Chapter 4 {Getting Even With Your Boss}

Start from the beginning

"So how was working with your aunt at the cafe?" Mindy asked.

"I'm not going to lie but I actually enjoy more than working here. The customers are lovely and I like my coworkers. I just love the environment and I'm not judge even if I don't look my best." (Y/N) replied

"That's good to hear. I remember you were against the idea at first." Mindy said

"I thought I was going to hate it but my aunt and Atticus convince me that everything is going to be fine. They were right and I'm happy working there until recently." (Y/N)

"Oh, did something happened?" Mindy asked.

"You see Atticus had a brilliant idea to invite Jaden to come to the cafe and bring his friends along. He did and unfortunately for me, our boss was there." (Y/N) explained which Mindy was surprise to hear that.

"OMG! No way! Did he recognize you?" Mindy asked surprisingly.

"Surprisingly, he didn't since I put effort to look my best at the cafe. What's worse is that the maids think that he likes me." (Y/N)

"How bad can it be?" Mindy asked.

"Try having a creep staring at you while you're working and only comes in during your shift. If you don't believe me ask Jasmine and Blair since they work around the same shift as I do." (Y/N) answered as she was annoyed.

"If I didn't know any better he's falling really hard on you. How long has this going on?" Mindy asked.

"Almost two weeks, I scared that he'll figure out that 'Bella' is actually me." (Y/N) said as she was stressing out a bit.

"Bella?" Mindy said in confusion.

"That's the name everyone called me as a maid for now on at work." (Y/N) said.

"Geez, (Y/N) you'll do anything to keep this a secret." Mindy said.

"Yeah I don't want to be the laughing stock here especially most of the coworkers in the company hates me." (Y/N) said feeling scared.

"I don't blame you since they're are jealous that you work diligently and very reliable worker." Mindy said.

"Yeah." (Y/N) said.

"You know you could use this opportunity for revenge." Mindy said.

"Revenge?" (Y/N) said in confusion.

"Yeah, for the way Aster treated you. Since he likes you a lot as Bella, you can use that against him." Mindy said as she made a wicked smile.

"What would I do?" (Y/N) asked still clueless.

"You know play hard to get, ignoring him and enjoy yourself with other male customers." Mindy said.

"Wouldn't that hurt him though. I mean I don't like him but way too harsh even for me." (Y/N) said.

"*giggles* Oh (Y/N), you have a lot to learn about when it comes to men." Mindy said as (Y/N) bit her lip.

The rest of the day, (Y/N) thought about Mindy's idea. On one hand she's right and using Bella to teach her boss a lesson but it's wrong for her to do. She decided not to go through Mindy's idea.

At the cafe, it was closed as everyone is about to go home. (Y/N) was in the kitchen as Aunt Cinder talked all the girls.

"Girls, I need to know if any of you want to play on stage. I hired someone musicians to play the cafe for tomorrow." Aunt Cinder said as the girls stay silent.

Don't Tell My Boss I Work As A Maid Part Time (Aster Phoenix X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now