Chapter 11

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We walk to our destination in a comfortable silence. When we reach our destination we arrive at a beautiful water fall, centered in a lush green forested area.

There's a picnic table settled in the grass that looks worn as if it's sat here for years.

He took of the backpack he bought with him and pulls out a brown paper bag stuffed full of something.

"This is fish food, this pond here has a bunch of Koi fish I like to feed. Me and mom use to do this a lot growing up. I come here a lot, my wolf likes it here too, finds it relaxing. I figured we could come here and talk." He says.

We sit on the edge of this gorgeous pond and start feeding the fish. This place is very serene, I see why he likes it here. They go into a frenzy once they realize were were throwing food.

"So, where are your parents?" I ask him.

"They live about 20 minutes from the pack house."

"You talk to them?"

"Yeah, were good. Well, now. My dad was a pretty tough man growing up. I used to hate him and we butted heads all the time. Still do occasionally. But when he stepped from Alpha he calmed the fuck down," he gives a small smirk, "and my moms the best, and has been begging to meet you."

"Why haven't I met them yet?" I ask

"I don't know, just still wanna get some things figure out with you first."

"I'm not gonna magically turn like 25 if that's what your saying" I roll my eyes.

"Where did you grow up?" He asks, avoiding the topic and changing the subject.

Reality starts to set in and I realize I still haven't divulged any information to him about my past. I decide to test the waters a bit and come clean about a few things.

"So have you ever heard of the Crescent Heart Pack?"

"That pick that was slaughtered? Yeah"

"I was in that pack, my parents were Alpha and Luna. They were murdered that night, along with everyone else I ever knew" I confess.

Another firsts as far as it goes for Mavericks expressions, as his normal stoic gaze is replaced with surprised and then quickly again with what I think is anger?

"After that pack was slaughtered, they hunted any survivors. There was a huge bounty on their heads too." He states.

"Well, they hunted all but one."

"You don't smell different" he comments.

"I've been hiding that part of my scent so long it's second nature to me." I relax and uncover my truth to Mavericks, allowing him to smell.

He pinches the bridge of his nose looking frustrated.

"I don't wanna ruin our time right now but Nick you should've told me this sooner. Some psychos believed your pack was gifted or something, and it wasn't long enough ago that people have just forgotten. I've met that Alpha and something definitely is not right about him. He came through my lands at one point asking if he could look around. I denied him not wanting to get involved. Those psychos are actually a pretty large pack that have made it known how much they are willing to pay if anyone of you were ever found."

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