As you kept mulling your conversation over, a knock at the door only fueling your displeasure.

"Go away, Darry! I don't want to talk right now. I might say somethin' that'll hurt your feelings." Which was true, you had plenty enough ammunition at the moment.

"It's Ponyboy, can I come in?" His voice was muffled by the heavy wooden door.

You sighed, jumping up to let him in. "Look Pony, I'm not in the best mood right now. Can it wait?"

He shrugged, forcing his way in with Darry quickly in tow.

"Smart kid," you grimaced, knowing he knew you'd open the door for him, but not Darry. "You gotta stop having your brothers put you up to these things, though."

He shrugged again, though this time with a chuckle as he left the room. With the door now closed, Darry sat on the edge of the bed, hesitantly patting the spot beside him. Begrudgingly you sat down, arms crossed, waiting for him to speak. You had done enough talking on the subject. It was about time he opened his trap. You were sure he sensed this as he looked to be in visible thought.

"I want to have kids," he finally said, "I really do." You scoffed at that. It was easy enough for him to say now, but why couldn't he have any other time? You wanted to retort, but could see the effect this conversation was having on Darry. An uneasy feeling began to form in your stomach.

"Just listen," he gulped, wringing his hands in his lap. "I want 'em, but I'm just really scared. In fact, I'm absolutely horrified to have kids. What if they end up like us?"

He stopped himself to blink hard, speaking in a much more vulnerable voice than before. "You've gotta know how hard this is for me to say, Y/N, but what if something happens to us and they end up like me, Soda, and Pony? Without parents?"

Any contempt you had melted away as he began to break down in your arms. Darry was always so strong, and it was rare to see him this vulnerable. You immediately regretted your vile tone and actions.

"Oh, baby," you spoke, gathering him close, "I had no idea that you were thinking like this. Nothing's gonna happen to us, I just know it."

"Nothing was gonna happen to mom and dad, but here we are." He mumbled, grabbing you tightly while you silently comforted him.

Ponyboy Curtis:

Saying: "I promise."

Wriggling out of Pony's grasp, you escaped to the front porch, wiping away the tears that you had been shedding. You desperately needed some fresh air to clear your thoughts.

You sat on the top step, your head leaned forward and resting on your knees. Every breath was labored with pain and confusion. How could he be so insensitive? It was like a punch to the gut hearing how little he cared about your relationship. Were all these years wasted, you wondered. Fuming and cursing underneath your breath, eventually Pony sleepily took a seat beside you.

"No nap for you, huh?" He yawned, arm snaking around your shoulder. The sudden contact caused you to look up from your lap. You shook your head.

"Oh, sweetheart," he cooed, grabbing your face, "your eyes look pretty red. Are you sure you don't wanna' sleep some?"

You gently swatted his hands away from you, looking at him with desperation. "Are you serious?" You spoke, voice cracking. "You're asking me that after what you said? Pony, you really hurt my feelings."

At this point, you couldn't have cared less about a nap. Now standing, you could feel a second wave of frustration washing over your frame. The nerve that he had, you cursed.

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