he doesn't say it back II ::

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🌟 Part Two of "He Doesn't Say Something Important Back to You"

Slang: bent out of shape (to take offense/become upset), spaz (a foolish person), trap (mouth), cutout (to leave), skuzz (low down, disgusting person), outfit (gang), going steady (dating), blitzed (drunk), tuned you out (to ignore/not listen), nork (nerd and dork put together), candyass (coward/wimp)


Johnny Cade:

Saying: "I'm sorry."

It had been a few days since you and Johnny chatted. You were feeling awful, to say the least. You knew that you had overreacted, but that didn't mean his words hurt any less.

Sighing, you shut your locker door, ready to resume another miserable walk home by yourself. Honestly, you couldn't believe this was how it was going to end with Johnny: a small argument. It all seemed so stupid in retrospect. You'd take just one day of not walking home with him over the past week you've spent completely without him.

As you kept moving, glumly dragging your feet from your lack of pep, you heard footsteps running on the pavement behind you. A large piece of your heart hoped it was Johnny, but as you saw a younger girl pass by you, those hopes were dashed. You kept trudging.

Of course, you can then imagine the jolt of terror that went through your body when you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"Goodness Johnny, you scared me! I thought you were a Soc or something." You brought your hand to your chest, which was pounding like a drum.

"M' sorry," he blushed, retracting his hand to the back of his neck awkwardly. "How've you been?"

You crinkled your eyebrows, confused. Surely, he knew how you'd been feeling the past few days. He was no idiot. Your look must have gave away what you were thinking, as he gently took your hand in his.

"Gosh, Y/N, I'm awfully sorry for what I said on Monday. That was no way to treat you." He spoke, voice much softer than it had been the last time you were on this particular sidewalk.

"I guess, I was just havin' an awful day. I'd been bottling it up and didn't want to get a temper with you. So, I just left. 'Cept, it kinda backfired when you found me. I just said the first hurtful thing I could think of. I'm sorry."

Admittedly, you were stunned. Not because he had apologized, but because you could see how much he had been beating himself up over it. His body language said it all: nervous shuffling, rubbing your hand beneath his thumb, that twinge of guilt in his tone. In a way, it felt good to know you weren't the only one bent out of shape over this. You felt even better knowing that what he had said wasn't true, that he was just boiling over and not genuinely lashing out at you.

Your heart softened and you finally spoke. "Golly, Johnny, I can't be mad at you. Even if you were acting like a real spaz, I forgive you. Thank you for apologizing. I was worried everything was falling apart over some silly argument."

His smile said it all as you continued your walk, this time together.

Darrel Curtis:

Saying: "I want to have kids."

You locked the bedroom door behind you, completely uninterested in any more conversation with Darry at the moment. You were absolutely furious with him. How could he not say a word to you? His fiance? He was being so unreasonable. Surely, he knew you weren't pressuring him into having kids now, you weren't that selfish. You just wanted to talk about the option in the future. Was that so horrible?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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