his obsession ::

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🌟 Something He Is Addicted To/Obsessed With

Slang: brew (beer), bench racing (typically a few guys sit around talking about how fast a car can go/talk about drag racing), a smoke (a cigarette)


Johnny Cade:

In all the time that you've dated Johnny, you've noticed he has a bad habit, or more accurately an addiction, to biting his nails. Whether he's bored, or anxious, or not even realizing he's doing it, Johnny just can't quit chewing on them. You have a hunch that it began as a nervous habit he hasn't been able to kick, despite your multiple efforts to help him stop.

Darrel Curtis:

Darry's obsession comes in the form of wanting things to be perfect, spotless, and neat. He's a raging perfectionist when it comes to anything he does. While it comes in handy at work, it's not as much fun when he's cleaning the house. He'll spend hours scrubbing on his days off and you have to practically drag him away from the disinfectants.

Ponyboy Curtis:

Ponyboy is a reader, plain and simple. The only problem is he blows through books like crazy and gets attached to characters too quickly. So, he owns a ton of books that he can't bring himself to get rid of. He has a growing stack that, if even looked at the wrong way, could topple over. You always warn him that he'll end up drowning in them.

Sodapop Curtis:

Sodapop started it as a joke, grabbing a few bottle caps and wise cracking about how it's a hat because "Get it? My name is Soda!" He'd pocket them, and soon he had a thriving collection of bottle caps. The goal was to included as many soda brands as possible. You thought he was a dork for it, but the sheer amount of them was actually quite impressive.

Keith Matthews:

Two-Bit wasn't necessarily a full blown alcoholic, but he certainly did drink a lot. It was hard to explain his relationship with beer, but one thing was certain, he definitely had a bit of an addiction. Two-Bit could drink beer like it was water and you could be sure that if you found him on a Friday night (or any weekend, for that matter), there'd definitely be a brew in his hand. 

Steve Randle:

It's no secret that Steve loves cars. They're one of his favorite things, from the hum of the engine to bench racing, he couldn't get enough of them. Admittedly, you'd never been big on cars, but you've picked a few things up while dating Steve. Now, you spend any chance you get watching drag races together and it's safe to say that you're obsessed, too.

Dallas Winston:

Dallas Winston is one to crave his cigarettes. He'd never admit that he has a nicotine addiction, but judging by how antsy he gets when he doesn't have one, it's obvious. He's plain cranky when no one lends him a smoke, so you and the gang have just become accustomed to giving him one. You certainly aren't happy about it, but what can you do?

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