Chapter 1

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Okay let's start from the beginning, my name is Patrick Conway. I've been running all my life, when I was five my mother died in a car accident so I was left with my drunk step father who found pleasure in beating me and my older sister Kate. One night I just couldn't take it anymore and left, and I've been running ever since. That is until a couple weeks ago when he showed up. I didn't quite know what he was. He was a man or at least I think he was, he looked like a silhouette of a man with horns and red eyes. I have to admit, whatever it was it scared the shit out of me!
"W-what are you?" I asked fearing I already knew the answer.
"Death" he said in a raspy voice, "But don't worry Patrick I won't hurt you, yet..." He said
"How do you know my name?" I asked.
"I know everything about you now come with me." Said death.
Now don't ask me why but I trusted him enough to get up and walk over to him, "if your death then where's your hood and sythe?" I Asked.
Death looked amused, "I am not the grim reaper, I am death but I do know grim and he doesn't have a sythe he has a dagger. But don't worry you'll meet him soon."
Then he grabbed my arm and we started to run, well we weren't really running because my feet weren't moving and as far as I could tell neither was his, no we were flying. Faster then anything I have ever seen we came to a stop all I could see was trees then all of a sudden a hole opened up in the ground death led me into the hole and at first I was expecting to see dirt but when I looked around I saw a city that was more impressive then any city I have ever seen before.

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