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a few days had passed ever since the mini date at the fair, currently jihyo was spending time at nayeon's home. usually a couple times a month the two would visit eachother and just discuss shit - a typical girly night really. face masks, lots of food, movies, loud music etc. it was their favourite thing to do.

"i still think you went a little overboard with the food, hyo." nayeon commented as she trudged her way to the kitchen where jihyo was, baking happily for the two. "do we really need cakes?"

"why not?"

"persistent son of a gun i swear-" nayeon tutted as she joined the latter in cooking; "at least let me help."

"do whatever."

the two girls continued making little cakes, elation gleaming in their expressions. nayeon's expression soon twisted to a playful one as she grabbed a hand full of flour. "hey jihyo look at me."

"wh-" jihyo was cut off when she was attacked with some flour, it smothering her face as she pouted. "nayeon! it's in my hair you nasty why-"

"why not?"

"that's it," jihyo huffed as she too got a bunch of flour and attacked nayeon with it. "don't start a battle you know you can't finish." nayeon warned jokingly with a chuckle; arming herself with more flour as she approached jihyo menacingly. "give in?"

jihyo eyed nayeon as she pursed her lips, holding in a giggle as she nodded with hesitance. "only because i don't want to create a mess."

"that's sweet of you." nayeon smirked and smothered her face in the flour before retreating back to the sitting room.

"nayeon what the shit."

with a shake of her head, jihyo continued her baking happily and placed the tray in the oven. washing her face and hands afterward before going to meet nayeon in the sitting room.

"if i die of food poisoning the fault is on you. were cakes really necessary?" nayeon frowned.

"yes! shut up you don't have to have any."

"didn't say that."

"sure whatever."

"anyway, jihyo, i've bears you've been hanging around with jeongyeon; quite a lot actually." nayeon cocked a brow with an intrigued look. jihyo shrugged a bit, "yeah she's cool. how did you know..?"

"well i only saw you two at the fair, her friends posted a lot about it." nayeon hummed, "and to mention that people have discussed you two sit together now? has jihyo finally found someone she likes?"

"oh shut up nayeon-" jihyo puffed her cheeks out and punched her friend softly, a soft blush spreading on her cheeks.

"regardless of that, you should be a little careful with her. you know she's a player. you can befriend or go out with anyone you want, but be careful? i don't want you getting hurt." nayeon warned, jihyo taking note of the serious tone in her voice. nayeon, despite being immature at times, would always make sure to look out for other friends. like an older sister to be exact. jihyo always found it wholesome of her, her duality always came as a shock.

"im surprised you actually placed your trust in her."

"hey i don't trust her-"

"seems like it. you went to out with her, alone?"

"that doesn't mean anything.."

"whatever you say, love. im proud of you anyway! now, let's watch a movie-"


nayeon's little chat did leave jihyo a little stunned, and made her rethink a bunch. was jeongyeon someone she could really put her heart in? it was a little odd as to how all of a sudden jeong decided to take notice of jihyo, it gave her a weird feeling. at the moment she was stuck in her lecture room with jeongyeon, the two sitting in a tense silence.

jeongyeon couldn't figure out why jihyo didn't even bother to acknowledge her, maybe it was just an off day for the girl.

is my baby hyo okay?

jihyo stared at the note with a straight face, making a response


you sure? you seem,, a lot more off than usual.

jihyo bit down on her lip and tapped the desk, eying the note anxiously as she frowned a little bit. confrontation was definitely not her strongest point, she was reserved and quiet, of course she'd hate being confronted.

jeongyeon took note of this response, placing an arm on jihyo's shoulder as an attempt of comfort, clearly making the latter tense up, as she began writing again.

you can discuss anything with me, y'know. won't hurt my feelings.

jihyo let out a small sigh and shuffled out of the tallers grip.

can i trust you?

what? of course you can. why?

i don't know. you're just, suddenly interested in me. now i have heard rumours about you and such. are you using me?

jihyo, i promise you im not. you're..different. i only actually realised how cute and amusing you were at the party. i was intrigued, i wanted to befriend you.

are you sure? because if you are just trying to get in my pants, there's no point. im not like you.

im not gonna try anything like that. you're different.. trust me.

you promise?

i promise


~ 863 words

trust - jeonghyoWhere stories live. Discover now