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jihyo's eyes fluttered open after a bit, glimpsing around the room before furrowing her brows together when feeling an arm trap her in an embrace.  when recalling who had visited her earlier, she immediately untangled herself from jeong and stood. jeongyeon seemed to have also fallen asleep, her face scrunching up when feeling her warmth leave her, essentially bunching up the blanket and treating it as a person to hug.

jihyo shook her head and went off to her room in order to get dressed, figuring that it would be better to leave jeongyeon be and to let her sleep. it was odd how sudden the girl invited herself to visit, jihyo would shrug off any doubts nevertheless. not that she trusted her.

returning back downstairs, jihyo sat back next to jeong, quite lost as to what to do. she didn't want to leave her alone, nor did she want to wake her, but it was a little awkward for her. sighing, she placed herself back under the blankets, often making looks at the older.

jeongyeon was usually really smug outside, this side of her was, cute? she knew jeong would return to her flirty self when she woke up better. but at the moment the taller looked so comfortable and content, a lot more relaxed. she looked pure.

jihyo knew she wasn't pure.

but right now, she looked soft.

shaking her head, jihyo looked away.

"ah the sleeping beauty is awake." jihyo heard a groggy voice speak up, turning her head she saw jeong staring, a smile resting on her face as she sat up and stretched.

"i should be the one saying that." tutted jihyo as she crossed her arms. jeong's eyebrows raised; "what was that?"

she just got a shake of the head in response. "well. i slept well. and seeing the look on your face when you were sleeping tells me you did too." jeong observed, the smile becoming more of an amused grin. "you just like being in your jeong's arms don't you?"

a pillow was thrown at her after that statement as jihyo grunted, crossing her arms in a silent protest.

jeongyeon chuckled at the cute outburst, holding her arms up as a mercy from the pillow attack. "right, sorry hun." taunted jeong, a conceited expression hinting at her face as she leaned on jihyo. "are you free today?"

jihyo nodded her head, jeongyeon sticking her thumb up as she clasped her hands together. "well, we should go out then. i'll take you out for lunch, and then we can go on a walk or something i don't know." jeong proposed with confidence, along with obvious excitement toward the idea too.

jihyo seemed a little reluctant toward this offer, she didn't trust jeong fully yet and she wouldn't want her to feel awkward due to her silence. regardless, she nodded her head. not wanting to let jeong down, her excitement made her heart all fuzzy.

"great! a date."

"not a date."

"whatever you say, love."

with pride, jeongyeon stood and held out a hand to pull her baby up, then dragging her outside. of course somehow being gentle in that process. jihyo pulled her hand away and shoved them in her pocket, looking down at the ground as the two walked.

it was your typical autumn morning. the air was crisp and thin, along with bitter. without much fail, the frost could make anyone shudder regardless of how well wrapped up they were. leaves would pirouette gently to the ground leaving the trees bare as the ground eventually became blanketed. a blanket of varied shades of golds, browns, reds etc—a blanket of leaves.

nonetheless, the streets of korea were still packed; despite the cold weather.

jeongyeon lead the two into a neat-looking café. the two took a seat somewhere at the back which was lit dimly; creating a soothing atmosphere in the somewhat crowded shop.

"i usually visit here a lot." jeongyeon commented, shrugging off her jacket as she leaned forward on the table. "my sister and i would visit for catch up sessions. it's just nice, isn't it?"

jihyo took a look around the shop, essentially nodding her head in agreement to jeongyeon's words. "sounds cute, never knew you could like anything ." jihyo joked.

"well, i like you."

"never mind."

jihyo pursed her lips, sighing mentally at jeong's cheesiness. "well, i'll order for us. what do you want?" jeongyeon asked, handing jihyo a menu. she would visit here all the time, so she practically memorised her order.

jihyo picked out her order; "do you want me to pay?"

"no it's fine, I will."

"you sure?"

"yep! you wait your pretty self here, i'll be back." jeong insisted—earning a little giggle from jihyo. she was so cheesy. and she loved it.

jihyo shook off that thought, nayeon didn't trust jeongyeon, why should she? maybe nayeon misunderstood jeongyeon..or jeongyeon was just being like this to get in her pants. thinking like this obviously brought up a lot of nerves, but she was snapped out of her thoughts when jeong sat back down opposite her with the food.

"damn did you have fun in space?" questioned jeongyeon playfully, not earning much of a response. "eat well."

jihyo's silence seemed to have returned, something jeong expected really. she never knew why, but didn't ask much on it as she ate her food in content. the silence wasn't really awkward between them. it felt comfortable, to her at least. jihyo seemed more relaxed around her at least, compared to when they first interacted.

"so are you and your sister close?" jihyo looked up, an attempt to make small talk.

a question which jeongyeon didn't expect.

"um, yeah. we are."

jihyo eyed the older carefully, who seemed to divert her attention on her food as she nodded. jeong's sudden bluntness was odd, maybe she didn't like her sister. despite them coming here a lot. jihyo left the topic and returned to her silence.

"why did you pick the music major?" jeongyeon asked, an obvious topic change.

jihyo thought for a small moment, "i don't know, really. i guess i just liked singing? and writing."

"singing, huh? you should definitely serenade me sometime. that would be romantic-" jeong smirked, her eyes locked onto jihyo's. the younger unamused.

"but still, I'd love to hear your voice."

jihyo ignored her request and sat back in her seat. "what about you? music is not what I'd associate with you."

"oh? what would you associate me with?"

"i don't know..not music."

"well. i sort of chose it because of that? my parents always had an expectation for me, they wanted me to do law or whatever I don't know." jeong explained with a shrug. "of course, me being a baddie went against them and did music. i thought it'd be a relaxing major."

"can you sing?"

"i guess."

"you should definitely serenade me." jihyo mimicked with a smirk.

"gladly, anything for my baby."

"no I wasn't being serious."

"whatever you say, hun."


1175 words

sorry I didn't update for a while I've been busy with school and shit. my book will be very descriptive btw, i need to practice my narrative skills for school ✌️

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