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The words, the words!

arrived at my fingertip

I grabbed my shield and sword

Holding on afraid that it may slip

I scribbled whit my sword of a pen

on the paper that is my shield

writing on, describing

The things in the world I yield

The words,

I grabbed many as I can

Channeling their great magic

on through my pen

Ideas of such greatness start to show

Exploring all the things, as far as I could go

Filling paper, going on with the flow

Listing the things, that all would like to know

Unfamiliar land, places, worlds

 all that I ventured

Seeing things, Amazing things

That all would like to treasure

Moving on to another land

Things start to fade away

No, no, I exclaimed

for all I wish is to stay

No!, no! no!

I was being pulled away

too late when I realized

For all, I was mesmerized

All the things before me started to dematerialize

I grabbed hold of things,

things that I wish to keep

Darkness surrounded me 

I awoke, from my trance-like sleep

My paper now filled 

The experiences that I wrote

For all I feel is thrill

But in the end, I spoke

The story was not properly ended

It was the part where our kingdom we defended

The enemies we were about befriended

The part where we were about to know who pretended

I tried to continue the story,

For it shall be my glory

But all I got was none,

All the words, my inspiration was all gone


this was sure a long one, I'm kinda proud

Those little wordsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora