Chapter 9: Calum & Jesus.

Start from the beginning

Without thinking about it any further, I let Christopher go.

Play nice, Lucifer.

As soon as I do so, Calum's at my side, hands on my arms to pull me away. A familiar looking man with curly hair takes Christopher Annexe outside but Christopher can't even walk. He stumbles, knocks into a chair. He screams at it. He's going insane and when he looks back at me, he begins to cry.

"Come on," Calum mumbles. I press my car keys into the palm of his hand and together we go outside, looking like the oddest duo on the planet after Cain and Abel. He slides into the driver's seat and I take the passenger's without another word, "We can eat at home."

I am in an awful mood and Calum tries to atone for it by ordering takeaway. Everything tastes surprisingly good and it's only until he makes me a plate that I realise how hungry I am; I haven't eaten all day and I'm so tired, I could sleep for the rest.

"Maybe being on Earth does weird things to you," Calum suggests, handing me a box of noodles as well as a pair of chopsticks that neither of us have any idea how to use, "Like, every time you show someone who you are, maybe your energy goes down?"

"If that's true, then I'm never being the fucking Devil ever again," I mumble, a frown on my face as I stab at the food with the two sticks.

I'm still thinking of Sophie because I didn't get to see her before we left. I don't even know if she stayed long enough to watch the whole thing. "I'm yawning every damn second. Is that normal?" I ask.

"I don't know," Calum shrugs, "I can call Michael, ask him to come over? Maybe he can tell us,"

"Or maybe he'll finally drag me back down now that I can't keep both eyes open," I reply cynically, knowing full well the lengths my older brother would go to if that were the case.

"Oh, stop it," Calum says sheepishly. I ignore him, instead choosing to focus on the food at hand when suddenly, the elevator sounds and I immediately shoot a glare his way.

"You didn't." I threaten.

"Didn't want?"

"You've already invited him over, haven't you?"

"What? No!" Calum exclaims, his expressions much too animated to be considered genuine, "Of course not,"

"Gabriel," I say, sternly.

"It. Is. Calum," he corrects me yet again, before beginning to walk towards the elevator itself, "And I couldn't not invite him, okay? Michael loves Chinese food almost as much as Jesus. You know how much that is?"

"I don't care."

"It's a lot, Luci!" he emphasises, before the doors slide open and out steps the worst of God's children- if you take away my rebellion, of course. "Nobody loves Chinese food as much as Jesus. Hey, Mikey,"

"Calum." Michael nods.

"And please," the backpacked angel pipes up once more, much to my surprise as he begins unpacking the rest of the food, "No 'dragging Lucifer back home' talk. Today, we are bonding."

"Bonding?" Michael echoes, sauntering inside with an air of purpose circulating around his figure.

He doesn't seem to be as fussed with getting me where I'm supposed to be anymore and I can't say I dislike it. Then he glances towards me, the look on his face practically begging to be wiped off with a punch or two, "Still here, then?"

"What part of a vacation do you not understand?"

"The Devil from Hell part,"

"Ha-ha. Very funny," I mumble, "Sit down and eat your stupid food,"

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