Chapter 9: Calum & Jesus.

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Calum & Jesus.


When I was younger, my mother always used to tell me to play nice. She'd never tell Michael, or Calum. It would always be me.

Perhaps it was because I often played too rowdy, or because I never knew when to stop after I had started. Maybe it was because I'd always be too blinded by rage to pay attention; the literal colour red, as bright and as shocking as my skin down below.

She'd grab me by the shoulders and shake me, ever so slightly, her lips pursed and her eyebrows furrowed. My mother was nothing but a clump of energy yet when she took over a body she felt real, as if she'd always looked the same regardless of how she never truly looked like anything.

On the day of question, she had long blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes and a frame that made her look much too motherly and much too stereotypical. I'll never forget that day.

My hands tighten around the man's throat and suddenly, everything about him comes to me in a nauseating rush. It happens. I'm not proud of it.

His name is Christopher Annexe, he's forty-five, and he has a long history of substance abuse. He beats his current wife and he beat his ex-wife, that's why she left him, and she left him on March 12th 2009 when the justice system failed her and she took matters into her own hands. He also has a daughter, yet he's attracted to young women of about the same age. He is disgusting, and he is scum.

His eyes meet mine and they're filled with fear. I don't like what I do, the steps I took to get here. I don't like scarring people for life and I certainly do not revel in the aftermath; but this is well deserved. I can't afford to tell myself otherwise.

Christopher Annexe starts pleading, starts begging. He's seen my eyes and he knows who I am. Humans are funny little things; they panic when they come across things that they can no longer explain. He's panicking now because somewhere, deep down inside of him, is a fire that I've ignited; fear in its truest form, the work of Satan.

He knows and he's terrified and I'm giddy and next to me, Calum's reaching for my arm, face filled with worry, silent words telling me to step away.

"What's the matter, Annexe?" that's not my voice. That's nowhere near my voice. My voice on Earth is low, a drawl, slightly seductive if I do say so myself. It could pass for the vocal chords of a rock band's lead singer, if we're being honest.

But this is different. This voice has been raised in Hell and stuck in Hell, and only Christopher Annexe can hear it. My fingers tighten. "That's enough, Luci." Calum whispers. He's scared. I don't know where Sophie is anymore, or where any of her fellow coworkers and managers have scurried off to, but I'm on a high that I can't help but feel guilty of and Christopher is under my fingers, crying, choking, in hysterics.

Play nice, Lucifer. I think about my mother and I think about the people around me. I could kill him, quite easily; it wouldn't take much at all. I highly doubt he'd be missed. He's a walking pile of garbage and the world would be better off without him, surely, but I can't bring myself to do it.

"Luke," Calum's voice is hushed as he comes towards me. Nobody else can hear him but Christopher and I, "Put him down."

I don't listen. He proceeds, his soft voice quiet and reassuring and so like our mother's that I actually loosen my grip, "This isn't you, Luci. You don't do this," he lies, "You punish evil. You do. You always have- but you are not it."

My fingers slowly begin to unravel because I know he's right. I am Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub, the Devil, and I punish evil. I punish the people who revel in evil, worship a Devil they don't understand. But I am not evil incarnate, and that's where the line is drawn.

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