❦ CH 02 ❦

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"Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Omae wa mo shinderu..."

By konedesu



PANTING as you hid behind the tree and wipe away your cold sweat - even if the night is cold but the fight is hot.

Vicious and dreadful, you found the others behind a demon art work; spotting them as they fought off two monsters.

One with temari and arrows to send anything to follow its direction. Obviously, they were the one you saw with Muzan earlier.

Everyone was fighting for their will; no one was letting one sweat to stop them from snarling like animals.

Nezuko was fighting the four-arm crap and Tanjiro on the other hand, was fighting a strange demon, who got eyes on his palms.

What are the odds of being a demon?


A gasp part your lips as gust of wind flew towards you, the ball that Nezuko and the four-arm were kicking back and forth, planted on the fence wall.

Just few inches from you.

Are you guys tryin to kill me?

With one last heave of confidence, you pried yourself off the tree and deliver a blowing kick to the Temarii Demon,

"What in the hell." Shouted the woman, unaware off your abrupt appearance.

She didn't dodge my kick? Was that luck?

Small blood dripped down her lips as she touched them. Furious, she stood up, "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO KICK ME?!"

Perplexed by her sudden anger, you shrugged and ducked her temari, as it aimed for your head.

She was now irritated, her attention were fully trained on you. Nezuko and the others were left to watch as you fought for your life.

"No. One. Can. Dodge. My. Temari!"

You swerve to the right, bumping into the tree. A menacing cackle came from the demonic creature as she proudly toss her balls at you, a glorious smirk was plastered on her face.


Your eyes widen as a mop of mint block your view and your body crashing on the soiled ground, "Are you stupid? You almost got yourself killed by being stupid for goodness sake!"

"Your arm..." You softly spoke, reaching out for Yushiro's wounded arm. He flinched and stepped away from you.

"Hm? Saving a human? Just how pathetic are you as a demon?" The temari demon scoff in disgust,

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