Chapter Three

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Varlo's Pov

I sat in the room with the young girl as we were berated by the blonde woman from earlier. "I hope you know that your actions tonight will not go unnoticed! You put yourselves and others in great danger!" She said sternly, causing me to sigh loudly. "Is there something you want to add?"

"Oh, no. Please, continue berating this child and I. Never mind that she displayed exemplary bravery and stopped an attempted robbery." I retorted.

She gave me an annoyed glare, then continued her rant. "If it were up to me, I'd send you both home with a pat on the back... and a slap on the wrist." She said, but I used the force to stop her riding crop from moving at all. "Trouble?" I asked smugly, and she finally looked about ready to really let me have it.

"Glynda, please calm yourself. And as for you, odd stranger, please refrain from antagonizing my assistant." I heard a voice say from behind her.

A man with grey hair stepped out from behind her, a mug in one hand and a plate of cookies in another. He placed the cookies in front of the young girl as he sat across from us, than shifted his attention to me. "I know who this young woman is. I don't know who you are." He said bluntly. "Master Blaise to most, but you can call me Varlo, if you so wish." I answered, his dissatisfaction with that answer rather obvious. Nevertheless, he took his attention off me and shifted to the young girl, who had just barely taken a cookie, eating it nervously.

"Ruby Rose. You have... silver eyes." He stated, leaning forward a bit and making the girl shift uncomfortably. "Tell me. Do you know who I am?" "Of course! You're Professor Ozpin, headmaster of Beacon Academy!" She responded excitedly, seeming to forget the brief moment of discomfort. "Tell me. Where did you learn to do this?" The professor continued. "Signal academy." "They taught you to wield one of the most dangerous weapons ever made?"

Timeskip, cause you know how it goes.

After the girl left, I was alone with the man and woman. "Now... what was this?" He asked, playing the footage showing me cutting the weapons in half with my sabers. "That would be my lightsabers. Observe." I said, igniting one. "These are two of my weapons and means of defense. The other two are my blasters." I continued, pulling one out and allowing the headmaster to inspect it.

"Interesting. And what type of Dust do you use for these?" "Dust? No, these don't use... whatever that is. My blasters use high energy gas that is excited by a power cell. The resulting ball of charged particles is sent out through the barrel and upon impact with a target the energy is released in a blast, hence the name. How my sabers work on the other hand is a secret."

The professor nodded in understanding. "And how did you do this?" He played the footage of me holding the aircraft in place. "With the Force." The two of them looked at each other in confusion. "Do you not have any Force sensitives in this planet?" I asked in slight astonishment. "If you are referring to people with telekinetic semblances, then yes, we have a few." "Semblances?" "Unique abilities associated with someone's particular Aura. Until your previous statement I'd assumed that your powers were your semblance. Tell me, what is this "Force" you speak of?" He asked.

"The Force is all around us and within us. It is what connects each living being together. Some are able to manipulate and control the force, the aforementioned "Force sensitives", with some being more powerful than others in their level of control. Different people find different uses for these abilities. Some use them to heal. Some use them to defend themselves or others. And some use them to hurt, manipulate, or even kill, a disgraceful misuse of such a gift. I am one of those that used the Force and my skills to protect others who can't defend themselves and fight those who would seek to do them harm." I answered.

The professor took a few moments to process what I had told him. He then stood up and extended his hand.

"I would like you to join my academy, Mr. Blaise. I can make any arrangements or accommodations you may need. All I ask is you that you become a huntsman."

"What is a huntsman?"

"Someone, who, like you, protects those that can't protect themselves." I took a moment to think about the offer before coming to a decision. "Seeing as how I have no means of getting home, and it is my duty to defend others, I shall accept your offer." I replied, shaking his hand.

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