"Jesus!" She gripped her chest, Brienna gasping loudly and then doing the same as she caught her breath.

"That's really creepy, you don't sneak up on people like that." Cassie scolded with a scowl.

"Apologies ladies but I thought y'all saw me here." The man grinned. He was a tall guy, about six feet, dark-skinned with stubbled hair on his face that was grey. There was a hoodie over his head and it was black in colour.

"You two here for Craig?"

"How'd you know his name?"

"Because I live around here and if I'm correct, quite like you lovely young girls, I'm here to see him too. Judging from the way y'all left I assume he's a no show."

"He's not here," The guy chuckled. He suddenly lit up a cigarette, puffing a few times before landing his beady eyes back onto the sisters.

"You ladies don't by any chance know where I could find him, do you?"

"No," Brie stated sternly and yet again the man laughed. He stepped a little closer towards them and from out of nowhere Cassie pulled out a switchblade, making it very obvious to the man and he froze.

"I'd stand all the way over there if I were you. It would be quite unfortunate for you to just so happen to run into me while I'm holding this," She threatened in a rather diplomatic way and the man nodded. She'd already assessed his attire and how he carried himself enough to tell that he wasn't someone they should be talking to. He gave off an awful vibe and she caught it.

"We have no idea where Craig is,"
She added and with that, she pulled a stunned Brie away from the man who just leaned against the wall glaring at them until they disappeared out of sight.

"Jesus, why in heaven's name are you walking around with a knife Cas?"

"For instances like those, you should be happy I did. That guy seemed like a fucking creep."

"He really was," Brie retorted and locked the door as she made it inside of the car. As her sister drove away, she sighed a breath of relief that they were taking off.

"So, what now, we didn't find him?"

"Honestly, I don't know what happens next. I'll keep trying his phone though, he has to answer eventually and when he does I will be cussing him the hell out. But right now I'll take you home, I bet Raye's worried."

"She might be," Brie shrugged.

"How are you guys though?"

"Good, but I have this feeling that something's wrong with Raye you know? This morning she ate breakfast in total silence which she never does and when I brought it up she gave me this weird looking smile before trying to buy me over with a kiss."

"Hmm, sounds like she's going through some pms symptoms if you ask me."

"That could be true or I could be right and she's actually hiding something. I know my gut and most of the time it's right."

"I see, work with your intuition then babe. Just confront her about it in a very chill way. Read her body language, if she's jittery or tense then you'll know she's hiding something but you gotta watch closely, I've noticed just how good she is at playing that game."

"What game?"

"The one whereby she makes it hard for you to read her body language. You can't tell me you've never noticed how good she is at remaining calm?"

"I have but it's easier for me to read her now, and I know so much about her because of her eyes, it's what gives everything away now."

"Good then go for the eyes."

Brie contemplated taking her sister's advice simply because she wanted to know what was bothering Raye— she knew something was. She didn't want to say anything at all but quite a number of times she would wake up in the middle of the night to find Raye smoking at the window or sitting at the dining table hunched over a beer or nothing at all. She never made it obvious that she knew but it was slowly eating her inside to know that something was troubling Raye enough to make her behave like that. It was also damaging to know that she chose to dwell with it alone rather than to have her be there for support. It was only time before she confronted her but Brie felt like if she gave Raye some time she might actually come around and say it herself, or at least it was what she was hoping for.

The car took a turn around a street, Brie's attention was caught on the bright lights from a car just behind them. It wasn't too close nor was it too far but at just a distance away. Frowning at the sight of it, her senses perked even higher when the vehicle made the same turn they did yet again but this time she didn't keep it to herself.

"I think that car's following us," She pitched to Cassie, who snorted while throwing her a confused look.


"I'm serious. This is the second turn you've made that I've realized the car behind us is still there."

"That's absurd, who could be following us and why?" Cassie asked and was instantly hit with how rhetorical her question was. To be sure that her sister's claim was somewhat accurate she made another turn, this time one that was completely random and low and behold, the car behind did the same.

"What the fuck, " Cassie whispered, gripping the steering wheel tighter.
She sped up a little and just as she did, the car behind accelerated.

"Could it be that creepy guy from back there?" Brienna found herself questioning, shifting nervously in her seat.

"It could be anyone but I'm not putting it past that creep." Cassie chewed the inside of her cheek nervously, doing her best to put a great distance between her and the other car.

"I'm gonna lose them, don't panic."

"Okay, "

Beside her Brie was doing her best not to panic too much, keeping her breathing under control but it was hard. This was the first time in almost two years that she felt her safety was being threatened and Raye wasn't even there to protect her. She wanted desperately to reach for her phone and dial her number but she knew Cassie wouldn't really want that. Instead, she sat in her seat staring with a frightened expression as Cassie put her foot down as hard as she could on the gas pedal, the car flying forward.

"Oh my God, " Brie sang, beginning to hyperventilate while eyeing her sister nervously. Cassie seemed calm, except Brie knew that she wasn't. Her lips were puckered which meant she was biting the inside of her cheek and Brie knew all too well that it was habit reflecting her anxiety, she did it too.

For a few minutes, they led the car behind them around in circles until another cut in between their cars, putting a distance between them now.
Cassie did her best to lose the people behind and ended up driving down a street that had a few other vehicles.
She was able to cut in front of all of them, enough to finally lose the creep.
When she did both herself and Brie let out their sighs together, Cassie unclenched her ass cheeks which she had subconsciously squeezed together throughout the ordeal. Brienna started feeling her heart, and it thumped away rapidly in her chest, her eyes blinded by tears.

"That was scary." She said exhaling loudly, running her fingers through her hair, rubbing her scalping reassuringly.

"I know, I know and I'm sorry."

"It's okay, let's just get out of here."
Nodding in agreement, Cassie sped out of the neighbourhood driving as fast as she was allowed to get both her sister and herself home. When she'd taken Brie back to her place, it was well past midnight and the moment Brie entered the apartment, Raye was there with a worried look on her face.

"Brienna, are you okay?" She held her, but Brie only nodded, taking off her jacket and hanging it in silence.
She was still a little shaken up but she wasn't going to let Raye know, at least not yet. Throwing her hands around Raye's neck, she hugged her tightly, burying her face into the curve of her neck. Inhaling softly, Brie sighed at the familiar scent she loved coming from Raye. She smelled like home and right there in her arms did she genuinely feel it— that safe and familiarness of it. 

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