"It's okay y'all will get through it" Wendy said patting their backs a little too hard making them groan.

"Oh another thing noona!" Donghyuck suddenly said causing Wendy to turn on her heels and walk back.


"If Mark, Jeno, Jisung or Jaemin come her don't let them in"

"Why's that?"

"Because I don't want them to see us in this, duh" Donghyuck stated the obvious.

"Alrighty" she responded walking away.

"She's gonna let them in, isn't she?" Renjun said with a long exaggerated sigh followed by Donghyuck and Chenle.

"No lie you guys actually look hot" some jock said.

"I will personally choke slam you down to the floor" Renjun threatened glaring at him.

"I'm good" the jock said running away, clearly frightened by a small, cute but scary Renjun.

"Guys get in your places people are coming!" Yeri commanded clapping her hands to gather everyone's attention, and just like that everyone was in their spots ready to take orders, cook or just welcome them in. 

They were also ready to be fake *aHeM* Renjun, Donghyuck, Chenle *aHeM* "Hi welcome to our cafe what can I get you?" Chenle asked in the most fakest tone ever but the group of boys didn't notice cause they were to busy looking at Chenle, and Chenle was about to kill them.

"Listen order now or leave" Chenle said irritated but tried not to show it.

"Your number" one guy said out of nowhere.

"Sorry we don't have that here" Renjun chimed in pulling Chenle away from the group of boys.

"Leave i'll take care of them" Renjun whispered to Chenle.

"Thanks ge..."

"Listen you can order now or I can strangle" you Renjun said cracking his knuckles though it didn't look that scary considering he was wearing a dress.

"Just leave" Yeri said protecting her child.

"Ugh whatever" the group of boys walked out of the cafe.

"Renjun you're okay, right? They didn't hurt you?" Yeri asked worriedly checking every bit of her childs face.

"I'm fine noona, but you should go check on Chenle" Renjun said pointing in Chenle's direction, she nodded and left to go check on Chenle


"Noona why can't you just let us in!?" Mark questioned getting frustrated.

"I'm sorry but--" she got cut off by the lunch bell "you know what my shift is over, i'm leaving" she gave up walking out the room letting the 4 boys in.

Since it's lunch it's their break time which means no customers, but since Wendy can't do her job, she allowed Jeno, Jaemin, Jisung and Mark in the classroom/cafe, the 4 boys walked in 2 see their (🐨: soon to be) significant other leaning against the wall with their eyes closed.

They froze upon seeing the bottoms in maid outfits "frick i'm hard" Mark said out loud making everyone turn their head to look at their hyung weirdly "oh crap I said that out loud!" Mark covered his mouth once realizing what he just said.

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