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Tommy had arrived as quickly as he could under the time around twenty-two minutes or maybe less. The young man definitely have broken many road laws if there were anyone to witness his awful and frantic driving. Luckily for the blond though, there wasn't anyone for the time being rather late as it was almost midnight.

When Tommy arrived at the entrance of Camp Crystal Lake with a camp map he had found days ago as the area was still a popular tourist spot with the Jason Voorhees "legend" and also a camp for young children. The young blond also brought a pocketknife that he kept for a while and a walkie-talkie to comunicate to the hopefully still alive counselors (assuming the people are counselors as this was a camp afterall). He also brought some medspray incase of injury and his shotgun to protect himself and the people who are in the vicinity from that murdering psychopath.

The young man was on high alert as he crept along the dirt road of the camp. It was quiet. Eerily quiet as the sound of crickets and the footsteps were the only sound Tommy could hear other than his breathing. Taking out his walkie-talkie, Tommy pushed the button on the side as he tried to call for some one.

"Hello, hello? Is anyone there?" Tommy had said through the walkie-talkie as he looked around the area, high alert.

No response.

Tommy tried again. "Hello? Can anyone hear me, please respond," he had said yet there was only silence...

Tommy felt the dread forming in his stomach as he walked quietly and scanned the area. There was no response to his call but he tried to keep in mind that perhaps the counselors just didn't have a walkie-talkie. Tommy tried to think as much positive as he can be but all those positivity was limited as Tommy grew depressed through the years and the situation he was currently in. Positivity seemed to also went down the drain as Tommy stood frozen for a second on what he saw on the ground in front of him.

"Oh God, is that... fuck," The blond quietly cursed himself as that feeling of guilt and anger appeared again. Guilt for if he had not came to Jason's grave many nights ago, this corpse would still be alive and breathing. And anger for Jason Voorhees.

What he saw on the ground was something he wished he hadn't.

A body. A dead body to be exact.

The corpse was sprawled on the ground. Bloody, beaten and also headless. If Tommy had never seen people die in horrendous ways through the years he was still alive, he would have vomited his nonexistent dinner. Looking around a bit to see if he was truly alone beside the corpse, the blond saw the missing head and it made his stomach churn at the look of absolutely sheer terror on the dead female's dully eyes looking at where he was at. Another person in his nightmares. Lovely.

Tommy tried not to think about the corpse that much. He tried to think about the remaining surviving councelors. He hoped there were only few casualties but as Tommy crept along the campgrounds more, he felt that hope of survivors die out quickly.

There, a few meters away from him was silhouetted thing on the tree. As Tommy warily went near, he saw another dead body. Tommy was thankful he hadn't eaten for awhile as he would have thought about regurgitating his food if he did. Like the last corpse that died in a horrid way, this one did too. The silhouette on the tree was in fact a dead body of a young male who had a large branch stabbed on his chest. Blood dripping as he limply hanged there.

As the blond stared for a few more second, Tommy felt guilty again. He hated how he could not save these people. They may have been strangers to him but that still doesn't change the fact that they were once living and breathing people who have family and friends unlike him now.

Continuing on, a few more meters and he saw another corpse on the ground with a large split on his bloodied head. This one seemed to make the young blond cringe as it looked painful. Especially there seemed to be a large gash on his shoulder and on that same side, a very clean cut towards his skin and skull that caused his death.

As Tommy walked around the campgrounds, he felt utterly sick.

Was he too late?

Did that female who radioed him was also dead too?

He wasn't sure who had radioed him as he didn't have a face to put on that voice in the radio but it seemed it didn't matter anymore. Tommy took the walkie-talkie again as he just hope some one is still alive to be saved.

"Hello? Please... anyone, respond," Tommy had said as he waited for the familiar static on his walkie-talkie to produce and have a voice talk to him. Saying that there was some one out there alive and not dead like the others he saw as he walked in the camp.

But again, nothing.

Tommy felt hope as he saw the large cabin and immediately ran towards it. Perhaps he could find some one hiding inside there?

As he came near, he opened tried to open the door but it was locked. Cursing, he looked to the side to see the window and thought to use it as an entrance. Coming in the cabin, Tommy noticed it was dark.

Looking around, the blond also noticed that the drawers on some of the furniture were opened. Tommy concluded that the counselors proabbly ransacked the place to find supplies and maybe weapons to have a fighting chance to the murdering maniac. But as he went inside another room connected to the cabin, Tommy felt himself want to cry in anger.

Obviously, they didn't have a fighting chance with Jason.

And the proof was right there. Another dead body sprawled on the room. A bloody messed as Tommy noticed the window broken with shards of glass on the room floor underneath the corpse, caked with blood.

Turning back, the blond checked the cabin twice. Looking underneath the beds and opening a closet to see if someone was hiding but alas, no one was and Tommy just decided to check some cabinets for materials that the counselors have not taken yet.

Tommy went out the cabin from the window as he then jogged to the next cabin a few feet away from him. He had found a camp map in one of the drawers but he already has one so he left it there. He also found some keys and decided to keep it.

'Just in case.' The blond had thought as he believed in the rule on "you can never be too careful" very strictly as his current situation urgently needs all the common senses he has.

With a sigh as he approached the other cabin, the door was broken down into pieces. Jason obviously caused this destruction and it made Tommy think that there will be another dead body again. So he walked cautiously. The blond had a lingering thought that Jason might probably be here in the area so he had to keep quiet as much as he could as he crept the halls of the cabin. Looking around for any thing. Any signs of another life hiding but like the first cabin he had went in, nothing.

With a miserable sigh, the blond took out his camp map and looked at it.

"So I came here in the entrance... and then I went north and... so Im close to the main cabin!" Tommy had muttered to himself as his blue eyes lingered at the landmark of the main cabin of the entire camp. Hope filled him that maybe, just maybe, he could find someone hiding there.

Taking out his walkie-talkie again, he pressed the side and talked. "If there is anyone out there, anyone at all, I am going to the main cabin and help you guys out."

"That is... if there is any of you left..." Tommy muttered to himself as he slowly put his walkie-talkie back to his pocket as he folded his map back. Tommy also had to take mind that maybe there won't be any survivors left. Knowing how ruthless Jason's killings are. He had to make sure though that either every counselors are dead or some are alive and are hiding or running away as he couldn't bear the crushing feeling of guilt if he had left any one to di--

Tommy's depreciating thoughts about himself and the deaths of others seemed to stop as the blond heard the sound of static near him.

"H... hello? I... I'll find you t... there
...in... cabin..."

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