"Liam, we're gonna take the tape off your mouth. If you scream, it goes right back on. If you talk quietly, it stays off, got it?" Stiles started.

"Guys, come on, give this kid a break." Alex frowned as she glanced between her two best friends, Liam frowning in confusion.

He was expecting her to be a bitch.

Stiles took off the tape off Liam's mouth, Liam grunting painfully.

"Okay, Liam. Now you've seen a lot of confusing things tonight. And more confusing things are gonna happen because of the confusing things that happened tonight." Stiles spoke, Alex frowning at him. "Do you understand?"

"Not really." Liam replied.

"Good. That's good." Stiles sighed.

"I don't understand either." Scott frowned at Stiles.

"Maybe you should tell him." Alex said, glancing at Scott.

"Tell me what?" Liam frowned, glancing between the three.

"Liam. What happened to you, what I did to you, which I had to do in order to save you, it's going to change you." Scott started.

"Unless it kills you." Stiles added, Alex and Scott frowning as they glanced at him. "Shouldn't have said that..." He spoke quietly.

"Yeah, I'm done, I'm out." Alex raised her eyebrows. She glanced at Liam. "Liam, on behalf of these idiots and myself, I'm sorry we're doing this to you."

She turned to face Stiles and Scott again.

"I'm not getting involved in this." Alex spoke. "Call me later." With that, Alex walked out, leaving Stiles and Scott with Liam.


Alex glanced outside her window, only to find Liam walking past her house.

The girl stood up and quickly walked outside, approaching him. "Liam?"

Liam glanced at her and widened his eyes, about to run, however, Alex held his shoulders. "Hey, it's okay."

"Promise you won't take me back to them?" Liam asked with raised eyebrows.

Alex frowned. "Liam, you know we're just trying to help."

"Promise me." Liam spoke. Alex sighed. She knew if she promised Liam, then he would talk to her.

"Okay. I promise." Alex spoke.

"Thank you." Liam nodded. He then frowned. "Why are you even dating Stiles? He doesn't seem nice."

Alex raised her eyebrows. "Okay, first of all, what does that have to with anything, second of all, that's another story for another time."

"I'm sorry." Liam sighed. "I just want to know why you're being so nice to me when your friends are the opposite."

Alex sighed. "Because you deserve something positive right now. You're confused, and I get that entirely."

LETHAL, teen wolf (4)Where stories live. Discover now