[2] Senku Awakens

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Senku's stone body lied on the forest ground amid the daylight.

The stone encasing Senku began to crack and ripple throughout his body. The stone around his eye was the first to fall off. Senku lied there as more of the stone cracked and broke off of his face. WHOAA, I'M FREE! A flashy entrance like that would've been fun. Heh heh heh... There's a ten billion percent chance... that my blockhead buddy taiju would do it just like that.

Senku took a second to look around and observe the forest around him. My top priority is to maintain the integrity of my surroundings! My body itself might provide an invaluable clue for unraveling this mystery.

Senku outlined where his body once was with rocks and stones in the surrounding area. He whipped his head around quickly when he heard something rustling through the trees. Luckily it was just a monkey and nothing dangerous as of yet, although the monkey was giving Senku a dirty look as if it was saying, "What monkey tribe are you from?"

The monkey looked Senku up and down horrified at the smoothness of his skin and ran away with his other monkey friends. I guess they've never seen a human before... So civilization's all dead and gone, huh? I guess that makes me...

"The first one to be reborn into this stone world. The first-ever smooth and shiny monkey! Get Excited!!" he shouted to himself.

Senku wandered around for a bit and saw the perfect tree to write on, he picked up a rock and walked to the tree and wrote 5738 A.D. April 1, "Let's call this year zero. Our new starting date."

Something in the back of his mind told him to examine the tree, his mind was mostly never wrong so he listened to it. Senku dragged his hand along the tree as he walked around the stump. This tree is very large..makes sense since it's been growing for more than 3,700 years... Hm? What's this?

Senku brushed his hand over another marking on the tree, looking at it very closely. May 23, 5736 Y/n L/n...So wait... I'm not the first person to wake up, so my carving earlier was completely useless. Y/n...So it seems she woke up two years before me...it'd be best if I find her, strength in numbers after all.

Senku sat crisscross on the grassy floor resting his hand on his chin thinking of the best action to take next. Knowing her the most logical thing she'll do is look for the best base to set up camp, and since humans are no longer the top of the food chain she'd stay in a place above ground. So I need to find a tree with a water source nearby and food.
Senku wandered through the forest keeping his eyes peeled for any sign of human activity.

While Senku searched you were back in your treehouse experimenting with different things you found. Even though you'd been Senku's lab assistant since you were kids you always had a hard time remembering the names of chemicals and elements. Your strong suits were geology, architecture, carpentry, botany, and ecology. You knew thousands upon thousands of thousands of species of plants and some minerals.

You found a cave and a few months earlier and there was a liquid dripping from the ceiling that turned your finger yellow. Nitric acid. Leaning a bit too close to the liquid you accidentally inhaled too much of its scent and you turned around quickly and coughed as your throat stung and lungs burned.

Regaining your composure you put the liquid onto a shelf and walked across the rope bridge to where the kitchen was. That's enough experimenting for today, man if I had Senku here this would be ten billion times easier since he can remember these damn chemicals and what they do.

You sighed in frustration. You outside of the lab frustrated and irritated with yourself and at the world. I wonder where he's petrified right now? These past two years what've I been doing?

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