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We continue to talk to my mom and Neil, I mean nothing was mentioned about us getting down and dirty but I still feel awkward. Maybe it's because I've not seen her in so long and my life has changed so much since she left. I feel like I don't know her and she doesn't know me. But maybe that's just the hormones talking, yeah that's it, hormones. Neil even spoke to us and introduced himself to Myles and vice versa. They're flying out to Madagascar after I've finished competing, that's pretty cool. Hearing the tales from their little tour is making me crave a holiday like mad! I mean I know I'm practically on holiday now, but this is for competitive reasons. I just want some sunshine and a swimming pool and some proper time with Myles away from the real world.
I think Myles can sense that I'm getting nervous as he squeezes my hand tight.
"Allains text us, we need to meet back in the lobby in 15 minutes," Myles says.
I quickly say my goodbyes before we walk off. It takes me a while but I eventually notice we start to walk in the opposite direction of the hotel. Wait.
"Myles the hotels the opposite direction," I say confused
"I know, I lied, but I could sense you getting nervous and you're gonna see your mom tomorrow any how," He responds before kissing my head lightly.
"Food?" Myles asks obviously earning a nod in response from me. We walk to once of the smaller restaurants in the park. Honestly I swear you need to rob a bank just to afford to eat here!
I order a Mickey Mouse shaped pizza with fries with a water, where as Myles orders a burger with Fries and an orange soda. Once we've got our food we sit down and just laugh and talk for a while. I swear we need more of these types of moments together. Recently all we've been doing is dance, making food, putting TV on and then going to bed, all day every day. I mean spending time with the person I love is amazing but it's the little things like this which I'll forever cherish.

We continue to walk and as you can imagine we get loads of pictures with the Disney characters until we arrive at the flying dumbo ride. I used to love this ride as a child. I mean I've only ever been to the Florida and California ones but I loved this ride over all. We look at the restrictions and of course you can't ride if you're pregnant. Well that's me screwed... from practically everything. I stare at Myles, obviously showing how pissed I am.
"Why did you have to get pregnant now," He laughs
"Well it's your fault," I say laughing back
"Pregnant?" I hear a shocked voice ask from behind.

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