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We arrive at Myles' house and instantly embraced into a hug from Franci before entering the house.
"How are you both?" She instantly asks us once we've taken a seat at the kitchen island.
"We're good," Myles responds, looking towards me, smiling, grabbing my hand, and then looking back towards his mom.
"I feel like I've not seen you in ages," Franci smiles before pouring herself some coffee. "Coffee?"
"No thanks, Honestly we've just been prepping for this comp," Myles laughs
"Is that it?" She says smirking towards our hands
"Oh um," Myles gulps shooting me a loook of what do I say, I nod my head giving him permission to tell her.
"We may have got in a relationship," Myles says squeezing my hand softly.
"Thank the lord, I feel like I've been waiting forever for this. Now remember if you decide to do anything, how should I say this, intimate, to always use pro-" Franci begins
"We know," Both me and Myles say in sync, totally blowing any cover we had.
"Oh," Franci responds, clearly taking a hint that we've already been at it.
If Franci wasn't watching I'd be face palming right now.
"No I didn't mean-" Myles starts before being cut off by his mom
"You don't need to explain yourself, you're old enough to know the consequences. I'm just thankful you are both together now," Franci say smiling whilst laughing at the same time.
"Thanks mom," Myles says standing up, "is Kingsley in?"
Franci points towards the staircase indicating that he's up there. I smile politely before being dragged upstairs by Myles.
"Now she knows we've been sleeping together," Myles groans
"Relax Myles," I say facing towards him and taking his other hand in mine, "It was only once, we'd do it eventually anyhow, stop worrying."
He smiles at me before gently kissing my lips. The second his lips touch mine the door flies open and there stood in the doorway is Kingsley.
"Oh hey King," Myles says instantly pulling away
"Why were you kissing?" Kingsley asks with a smirk. I was hoping he didn't see. "Are you finally together?"
I look up to Myles and see him looking back down to me, we both nod and I'm instantly embraced into a hug from a very excited Kingsley.
"When are you moving back home?" Kingsley asks Myles, I keep forgetting Myles doesn't actually live with me.
"Soon, I promise little man," Myles says. I'm going to miss him when he's gone.
"Myles I'm just nipping to the loo," I say as Myles begins to follow Kingsley into his room. I swear my bladder must have a tap going on inside of it.
I quickly walk to the toilet and finally relax once I'm finished. Why do I need to pee so much? Oh no, shit.
I quickly grab my phone from my pocket and search up signs of pregnancy, of course peeing lots is a sign of it, just my luck. I can feel tears escaping my eyes, I've never been so worried. I need a test and I need one quick. I refuse to get on that plane not knowing. Is it even okay to fly if you're pregnant?
I quickly search it up and feel a motion of relief fly over me, yes you can fly until 28 weeks and onwards.
Wait, I don't want a baby.
I must have been a while because the next thing I know Myles is knocking on the door.
"Briar are you okay?" He asks with a sense of worry.
"Yeah, I'm coming now," I respond jumping up and leaving the room.
I urgently need to get a test.

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