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He opens the door for me and ensures it's locked before taking my hand and walking down the few steps leading up to my house. At the end of my drive there is a taxi waiting. We walk towards the taxi and get in and instantly we're off.
"You look beautiful," Myles whispers whilst looking at me.
"Thank you, and you look amazing," I say with a smile before turning my attention to the window.
The taxi ride isn't too long but silent, that silent the taxi driver had to put the radio on.
Once we've stopped Myles and I get out the car and Myles takes a hold of my hand before walking me towards this gorgeous fancy restaurant. It's all done out like a rainforest inside and all the tables individually spread out, so you can have privacy. It's quite dark, only really lit by candles and dimmed lighting. There is a pianist sat in the middle of the restaurant playing the most wonderful music. This is romantic. So I'm guessing I'm on a date.
"Table reservation for Erlick," Myles says. The waiter picks up 2 menus and walks us to a small table near a little waterfall. The waiter pulls my seat out for me and allows me to sit before giving both Myles and I our menus before leaving.
"Myles this is gorgeous," I say slightly in shock.
"Just like you," He says before looking back down at his menu.
Thankfully there isn't a specific theme for this restaurant so there's lots of choice to order from. However there's no prices on the menu, so I'm slightly worried about that.
Once the waiter returns we order. Myles orders a calzone with chips and corn with a lemonade to drink, where as I order a chicken tikka masala and an orange juice. The waiter smiles before taking our menus. Within a minute he's returned with drinks and bread for the table.
I take a quick sip of my drink and we begin to tuck into the bread.
"So how much trouble do you think we're going to get in with Allain tomorrow?" Myles asks with a laugh.
"Well either more than we should be or none at all, depends on Allains mood," I say with a laugh.
"Good point, we still need to figure out an excuse," He says
"We will don't worry," I say holding his hand gently over the table. We proceed to make small talk until our food arrives. The portions are huge and smell delicious.
"Wow," I say looking down at my food before tucking in. It tastes divine and melts in the mouth. Once I'm finished all I can think about is ordering another one, but that would be greedy.
"Dessert menu?" The waiter asks walking back towards our table once we've finished. Myles nods and we are quickly brought a menu back. We quickly look through and order. We both order a cookie dough stack. I mean I'm not sure what it really is but it sounds good.
"Are you having a nice time?" Myles asks I nod.
"It's perfect," I reply with a smile.
The desserts arrive and wow is all I can say. It is literally 5 huge half cooked cookies with chocolate all over and a scoop of ice cream on the top. It tastes even better then it looks. I'm not even sure if I'm going to be able to finish because of how huge it is but somehow I do. I look up from eating and see Myles looking at me.

Don't tell my motherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora