Chapter 7: Issei & Sora vs Ansem

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Issei: Of course you're my little brother after all an older brother always has to be there for his little brother.

Sora: Heh thanks Issei now come on lets go find Riku and try to talk some sense into him!

Issei: Right behind you bud come on guys!

Goofy: Lets go Donald!

Donald: Alright!

Everyone began following Sora and Issei going through the whole castle going through rooms trying to find Riku but they ended up encountering a certain person Maleficent.

Issei: Seems like we will have to deal with you first huh?

Sora: No I deal with her Issei you focuse on getting Riku!

Issei: You sure Sora?

Sora: Yeah believe in me I'm not as weak as you think i am!

Issei just smiled and bust down a walk following a weird power signature he believed in Sora Issei made his way towards Riku but he notice something wasn't right this time he could tell this wasn't him.

Issei: Who are you! You are Riku that's for damn sure!

Ansem: Heh I am Ansem the Wise! And it would seem it's just.

Issei: Huh?

Issei looks to he left to see him friends behind a barrier trying to break it down with no effort.

Issei: Tch so what I can easily take you down myself!

Ansem: Oh can you now with those 4 things you call a keyblade?

Issei: You bet!

Issei using the Oathkeeper and Oblivion while his other ones floated right beside him.

Ansem: Let's get this over with I need Sora to fully complete this keyhole you're just in the way!

Issei: No way in hell I'll let you lay a hand on my baby brother!

Issei clashed keyblades with Ansem he began bashing him with both of blades but Ansem just sent him flying with his dark barrier he recovered himself midair and began firing a bunch of fireballs Ansem slid from side to side dodging each attack before flying towards Issei ready to stab him Issei dodged it grabbed him by his wrist and shot a dragon shot up close sending him to the floor Issei threw his keyblade at his stabbing his arms he got his other two and stabbed Ansem legs Issei charged towards Ansem and punched him with all his might.

Ansem: You pesky brat!

Issei: By the looks of it we are the same age!

Ansem: Not likely kid! Unlike me I have years of practice!

Issei: And you're getting you but whipped by me!

Issei charged at Ansem spinning around in a flaming circle before landing a deadly punch in his guts making his crashing into the wall.

Issei: Homerun!

Ansem: That's it I'm done playing games!

Ansem began releasing more darkness than Issei expect pushing him against the wall he saw Ansem charge at him with his keyblade in hand aiming for his heart smirking Issei couldn't block it so he was just ready to take the stab but he never felt it until he notice someone in front of him it was Sora...

Sora: Hey Issei...I saw you need some help...

Issei: Sora?

Sora: We are brothers Issei even if I'm the little one I will be there to protect you as well...

Issei KeyWielder (Cancelled)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ