The Scene Kid And The Cute Adorable Wreck Go On A Date And Gosh Can Mikan Sing!

Start from the beginning

"FOUR! nAeGaMi!"
The Rich Kid and The Luckster were drinking coffee and eating some cake. No one knew how some one as cold hearted as Togami fell in love with the hopeful, friendly, and cheerful joy that was Makoto Naegi. Yet, somehow, their relationship worked. The Draco Malfoy look a like had a major soft spot for Naegi and was really only kind to him at first. But then Makoto started to rub off on the Affluent Progeny. He became more open and friendly. Same thing goes for Eggy. He became less of a push over and got better at solving tactical problems. They loved and cared for each other, and more importantly, they learned from each other. Even if the pairing was unexpected and strange, everyone seemed to ship it, even if only slightly.
"F-Five! S-Sakuraoi!"
The Swimmer and The Martial Artist were drinking Oolong tea and eating french macaroons and donuts. They were talking about meditation, should they take up a yoga class together, and wether or not Aoi's spirt animal was an Otter.

When Mikan and Ibuki were done eating, they tipped TeruTeru and left the diner to go to Titty Typhoon. They entered the building and the two girls were immediately engulfed with loud music, laughter, and the smell of alcohol. It was great. Mioda loved the rocker atmosphere while Tsumiki loved that she could become one with the noise and chaos and finally feel at peace in a crazy place. But sometimes, the noise was too much for Mikan so Ibuki asked; "Is Mikan okay to go in?" Mikan nodded her head furiously up and down with a huge smile on her face. She grabbed the Musician's hand and ran in. Tsumiki rushed over to the bar with Mioda in hand and ordered them drinks. "H-Hello T-Tsumugi! I-I'd like a Red Headed S-Slut. W-What would you l-like to order I-Ibuki?" 
"Hmmmmmm. Ibuki would like Sex On The Beach please!"
Shirogane smiled. "Coming right up!"
The couple sat at the bar and waited, rave and club music blasting in their ears.
The Musician and The Nurse were just talking and laughing when some hoar walked up to Mikan.

"Hey cutie~ what's your name?" He said. Let's call this man..."Chad".
"H-Huh?" Mikan turned around to face him.
"What's your name?~"
"U-Um, my name is Mikan T-Ts-Tsumiki."
"Cute. Hey, how about you and me ditch this dump and have some fun?~"
The Nurse almost instantly recoiled.
"Oh come on! I'll give you the best fucking you'll ever have in your life!~"
"I s-said no! I'm o-on a date!"
"Oh whatever! Ditch the guy and come with me! I'm a lot better than he'll ever be! Come on baby."
"She said no, leave her alone!" Ibuki growled at "Chad".
"Hey, what's got your pussy all irritated? Can't a guy just hit on a girl and have fun?"
"No, no he can not. And he very much cannot when her date is right next to her." Mioda wrapped her arm around Mikan in a protective manner as "Chad's" jaw dropped. But sadly for our girls, he recovered quickly.
"It's fine, you can have seconds.~"
That's when Ibuki lost it.
She stood up and started screaming at him.
"MIKAN IS NOT AN OBJECT! She is a human being with thoughts and emotions! You have no right at all to treat her like she's a toy! GO GIVE YOURSELF A GOOD FUCKING IF YOU'RE HORNY ENOUGH TO ACT LIKE SUCH A BITCH!"

Tsumiki gasped a little. Ibuki barley, if never, cusses. She was kinda happy though that Ibuki would get so worked up over her to defend her and cuss some one out. The Nurse felt appreciative because of that.
"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. You're harassing my costumers." The Cosplayer walked up from behind the bar with Ibuki and Mikan's drinks on a tray.
"What!? But that crazy bitch screaming at me! Isn't that considered harassment!?"
"Don't call Ibuki a bitch!" Tsumiki yelled. She was proud that she didn't stutter while telling him off.
"She was yelling at you to stop harassing a person she holds dear to her. Ibuki was doing it in self defense."
"This is bullshit! You can't do this to me!" "Chad" yelled like a child throwing a tantrum.
"Yes I can. Now, leave before I call the police."
Chad grumbled and marched out of Titty Typhoon.
Tsmugi smiled and looked over at Mikan and Ibuki.
"Here are your drinks. Tell me if someone tries to bother you two again."
Mioda nodded, grabbing both of their drinks and handed Tsumiki hers.

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