Ella's Biography

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look idiots, i actually did it.

So I was born in this tourist town called Healdsburg, California. I was always super ready to go out and explore the world, and I've always been an avid traveler.

My dad taught me how to read before I was even in preschool, and I've never stopped. I can read a 200 paged book in about 3 hours and an 800 paged book in 2 days. This, consequently, made me an outcast. I was always the odd one out, never really included in anything unless I forced my way in. As a kid I was always super dramatic; I would make big deals out of nothing and misinterpreted a lot to the point where I really only had one friend.

Fast-forward to summer 2016, and I made my way to Oregon at age 10. I started my life in a completely new place, and it was nerve-wracking and scary. I had only ever known one home.

My new year started off rocky. I wasn't making much friends and was developing a nasty attitude. Eventually I leveled out, met one of my best friends, and off I started on becoming someone new.

Now I'm fourteen, and I have a friend group that has become my family. I love music to the point where I can't survive without it, and I've never stopped reading. The last two years I've also become a writer, specializing in science fiction and poetry. I draw and paint as well :) I do have social anxieties though, and frequent nights where I don't feel like enough. But my friends and family keep me happy, and generally you'll find me with a smile on my face :)

Until next time peeps and sheep (and goat)

P.S. Just in case you were wondering, yes. All of my poems about love are based on a person in my life ;)

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