35.0 The One Where She Is Too Big

Start from the beginning

Justin left Elizabeth's room to shower soon after, and Elizabeth finished changing and braided her hair. She made her way downstairs to find her brother leaving the kitchen after talking to Lainie and Matt. "They are particularly high strung this morning." Elizabeth laughed in response.

"They're just stressed about today."

The Jensen twins looked up at the stairs as they saw Justin, wearing a bathrobe, come running down. He reached the pair at the bottom. "Guys, Bryce was shot."

"What?" Elizabeth's eyes widened as she spoke.

"Yeah, the Evergreen County Register reported it this morning."

Clay looked down at the ground. "Shot.. with a gun."

"It's fucked up, right?" Justin asked as he moved closer to Elizabeth and Clay.

"Don't say anything to them yet." Clay looked back up at the pair. "I just have to make a call real quick." Clay exited the house, leaving Elizabeth and Justin alone.


"So, how are you doing with Justin living here?" The social worker sat at the Jensen's kitchen table across from Elizabeth Jensen.

"I'm going great." Elizabeth smiled and intertwined her fingers together. "Having him here is amazing."

"And how do you see Clay and Justin's relationship."

"The two of them are like brothers. They care about each other so much. They really love each other." Elizabeth scratched under her eye as she continued. "I think that Clay really needed him, and Justin really needed Clay."

When Elizabeth was finished speaking to the woman, Clay dragged her into the bathroom. "Tyler asked Tony and I to get rid of another gun."

"Holy shit." Elizabeth's eyes widened. "You don't think-"

"I don't know." Clay shook his head. "Ani and I think that he has it at school, so we have to pay really close attention today, okay?" Elizabeth nodded.


Elizabeth sat in her first period biology class, looking over her notes for the test they had that day. "Hey, everyone." The teacher spoke from the front of the room. "We have a new student today. Her name is Isabel Henry." Elizabeth smiled as she looked up at the girl she had met the day prior. "You can go sit by Eliza, over there." Elizabeth raised her hand to indicate where she was, and Isabel made her way over to her.

"I guess the world is just sending us a sign." Elizabeth chuckled as Isabel sat down next to her. "I mean, we're neighbors, and now we're lab partners, too? That's crazy."

Isabel laughed. "We must be destined to be great friends." She exclaimed dramatically.

"I'm going to introduce you to all my friends, because I think that you're cool." The two girls exchanged smiles. "Some of them are kind of assholes, but they're great friends."


Elizabeth sat at a table in the library sitting next to Clay with Ani and Justin sitting across from them. "Okay, if he has it and we get it from him, what then?" Justin questioned the group. "Do we turn him in?"

Heartache ~ Justin FoleyWhere stories live. Discover now