35.0 The One Where She Is Too Big

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A knock on Elizabeth Jensen's door woke her from her deep sleep

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A knock on Elizabeth Jensen's door woke her from her deep sleep. She grumbled as she stood up and opened her door to reveal her mother in a pretty floral dress. "What's up with the dress?"

"You forgot?"

"Forgot what?" Elizabeth scratched her head as she motioned for her mother to enter her room.

Lainie Jensen chuckled. "The social worker's coming today to make sure that this is still a happy and healthy home environment for Justin."

"Shit." Elizabeth's eyes widened. "That is today, isn't it?"

"I would have thought you would be really excited about today." Lainie sat down on the bed next to Elizabeth. "You love Justin."

Elizabeth nodded. "Yes, I do." She smiled. "That social worker is going to walk out of here knowing how much I love him."

"That's the spirit." Lainie stood up. "You should probably get changed, though. She'll be here in thirty minutes." She left Elizabeth by herself.

The girl stood up from her bed and made her way into her closet. She picked out a nice blue dress. Her shirt was the first thing she took off her body. Elizabeth's eyes immediately went to her mirror. Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at her body.

She was too big.

Elizabeth's door open. "Hey, baby. Oh shit." Elizabeth turned to see Justin standing in her doorway with a smile. "You're so beautiful." Justin walked into her room and closed the door behind himself.

"Is Jessica prettier than me?"

"What? Why would you ask that?" Elizabeth crossed her arms over her chest, waiting for an answer. Justin shook his head. "You're literally the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes one."

Elizabeth turned back to her mirror. "That's not true." Justin came up behind her and wrapped his arms loosely around her from behind. "Jessica's perfect. I'm definitely not perfect."

"Where is this coming from?" Justin questioned his girlfriend, turning her around to face him.

"I don't know."

Elizabeth looked down at the ground, but Justin put his finger under her chin and pushed her face up to meet his. "You're beautiful, and it kills me that you don't think that you are. I wish that you could see yourself how I see you." Justin pressed his lips against Elizabeth's softly.

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