Losing the Coffee Shop part 2

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The next morning at the coffee shop.

"It is so unfair. For once, I agreed with him. I tried everything that I could. But, at the end, there was no way to keep it open." (Y/n) told Max, a long time customer who was very close to everyone at the coffeeshop.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"We got to do something." One of the employees says.

"Yeah, we do." Another one said.

"Now look here darling." Max said. "You know what they say: It's not what they take away from you that counts. It's what you do with what you have left."

"Thank you, Max. But I don't..." (Y/n) said before getting cut off before Chris comes in.

"Hi." He says smiling at you his gorgeous blue eyes shimmering in the light.

"Hi." You say back looking into his blue eyes smiling back.

"Can we talk for a minute?" He then asks you.

"No, actually, I am going to require a bit more time than that." You say knowing that you were at work and that the shop was going to be closed down and it still got to you but it also meant extra work to try to keep it open for all of the customers before it closes.

"Hey, can you and Eli manage it without, (y/n) for today?" Chris asked one of the employees at the front desk that works with you.

"It settles then." They said with a smile.

"Wait. What, settles?" You ask. "What's going on?" You ask Chris.

"Our first date that we started about a minute ago." He says walking you out of the coffeeshop hand in yours. "We don't want to be late."

"But, I am not dressed for a...where are we going?"

"You're perfect just how you are." He said smiling. "And it's a surprise." He laughs. "Wouldn't want to spoil it now, would we?" He says with a boyish grin on his face.

"Is this really necessary?" You giggle and ask. "I know this entire town, I don't see how you could possibly surprise me?"

He laughs a genuine belly laugh one where he puts his hand over his left boob and does his infamous left boob grab. "I'm an actor, (y/n) Also I grew up in this town. There's full of surprises coming from me. You should know how much I love suprises. I specialize in the unexpected."

"Huh? You sail?" You asked seeing where he has took you surprised to see a boat on the dock for the two of you to sail in.

"No not at all. Never been on a boat. But it's not too late to try." He said smiling as he got in. You got in after him as you guys paddled out to sea.

"See? Unexpected." He said.

"Thank you. It's amazing. " You said looking out to sea.

"Isn't it beautiful?" He said looking out to sea with you.

"Breathtaking." You say as you too talk and share a few laughs together before paddling back and he walks you home exchanging kisses goodbye before you know it you walk in and Becky was in there. Ugh! What does that backstabbing traitor want now and how the heck did she get into your apartment without a key anyways?

Coffee Shop (A Chris Evans x Reader fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now