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Kion took a deep breath, he had no idea why he was so worried about it. This wasn't a big deal at all, he's been to the falls a bunch of times. He's hung out with Timon and Pumbaa a bunch of times, too. But this wasn't the same as those times before. This time was different, at least it was to him. 

This was much more serious. Bunga told him that they should eat at the falls with Timon and Pumbaa. Bunga made it sound casual and all, but Kion quickly realized that it was about as close as Bunga could get to dinner with parents. Having that mindset now, Kion felt like this was more sort of big deal. 

Before he realized it he was already at the Fall's entrance. Taking another deep breath he stepped inside. A few steps forward he could already hear the many waterfalls in the distance, the lush greenery around him helped him calm his nerves a bit. 

Maybe this won't be so bad after all, Kion thought to himself. 

"Kion, you made it!", those words nearly made the lion jump out of his skin.  He looked down to his mate smiling up at him. 

"Uh, yeah. You told me to meet you here, huh?", Kion stammered.

"Sure, did. You're just in time, too. Come on!", the honey badger motioned with his paw to follow him. Of course Kion already knew the way, but he could tell that Bunga was very excited about the event. 

Soon they crossed into the deepest part of the falls where Timon and Pumbaa called home. This was the place that Bunga had grown up and called home and he wanted Kion to get a feel for that, too. 

"This place always looks so beautiful", Kion complemented, once again taking in the scenery. 

"Thanks, I think it looks nice to", Bunga chuckled. "Uncle Timon, Uncle Pumbaa! We have a guest!"

"Oh, there he is!", Timon said, walking in towards the two of them. "There's the lion that our Bunga swept off his feet"

"Timon..", Bunga groaned, he had hoped that Timon wouldn't act this way.

"Hiya, Kion. Glad you could make it!", Pumbaa greeted warmly. Bunga gave a sigh of relief that Pumbaa could give a normal welcome. 

"We sure are. We don't really get guests around here, not that I'm complaining. But for this occasion we made sure to set up a real spread", Timon grinned. 

"That's great, I'm starving", Kion grinned. 

"Perfect! Come on!", Bunga lead Kion to where they were going to eat. Timon and Pumbaa followed alongside him. All the while Kion was thinking of the meal in itself. He just returned from patrol and could feel his stomach rumbling. He expected them to lead him to a carcass or maybe even something fresh, but to his surprise they all stopped at an ordinary log.

"Here we are", Timon announced. Kion looked at the log in confusion, he knew that Timon and Pumbaa did not eat meat but surely they didn't eat logs....

"We're eating a....log?", Kion dared to ask. Upon hearing that Pumbaa, Bunga and Timon burst into laughter. 

"You really picked up a good one, Bunga. I didn't know he could so funny!", Timon took a deep breath to collect himself and motioned for Pumbaa. The warthog wedged his tusks under the log and heaved up, revealing a mass of wriggling insects underneath. 

"Dinner is served!", Timon motioned towards the insects. 

"Alright!", Bunga grinned eagerly. 

Kion looked on, not sure what he should exactly do. He didn't want to be rude but he wasn't thrilled with what he saw. He felt even a bit grossed out as he watched the other three gorge themselves on the bugs. 

"Kion? I thought you said you were hungry?", Bunga asked through a mouthful of bugs. 

"I am but.... I didn't expect that we were eating...those", Kion answered honestly. 

"Oh..", Bunga realized, gulping and thinking to himself. "Yeah, maybe I should have warned you ahead of time. But they're pretty good. You should at least try one."

"I don't know..", Kion winced at the thought. But he was really hungry and he remembered his own father telling him that he still ate bugs from time to time and that started from this very same place. 

"Here I recommend you start with this:", Timon picked a hefty grub and held it up to the lion. Bunga and Pumbaa leaned in close. Still a but apprehensive, Kion picked up the grub that still squirmed in his grip. Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes he opened his mouth and placed the grub on his tongue. Bunga especially held his breath as Kion began to chew. 

"Hmmm..", Kion thought to himself, opening his eyes and realizing that it still meat, just a different kind. "A bit slimy, but satisfying..."

"Whew...", Bunga exhaled. He was glad that Kion enjoyed the grub. "You wanna try a crunchy one?"

"Sure!", Kion grinned. Bunga smiled at his mate, this dinner was going better than he could have hoped. He and Kion spent the rest of the day telling stories back and forth with Timon and Pumbaa. Some where Lion Guard adventures they went on while Timon and Pumbaa told of the time Simba tried grubs along with the story of Nala finding Simba. 

Towards the end of the day when the sun was setting Bunga walked alongside Kion back to the entrance of the falls. 

"I'm stuffed", Kion groaned. "I think I might I have overdid it."

"Yeah, beetles I'll that to you", Bunga nodded with a grin spread across his face. "This was fin wasn't it?"

"It sure was. I think I should do the same with my parents", Kion suggested. 

"Hmmm, I'll have to practice my manners", Bunga joked. He began bowing in a goofy manner, making Kion laugh. 

"I'll see you tomorrow, Bunga", Kion said. "Goodnight." He turned around to head back to Pride Rock. 

"See ya tomorrow!", Bunga called after the lion. 

"Aww, isn't that adorable?", Bunga could hear Timon saying in the background. The honey badger gave a groan, knowing that he would he would never hear the end of it. 

Bunga and Kion OneshotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat