Chapter 6: The Adventure Begins

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Royce: "Well, that... That is certainly a big surprise!" *chuckles* "Anyways bye!!"

Carmelita: "Good luck, Royce!" Carmella replied. He then exits the Dragon City, next he looks for the nearest, safest place; a lake with a clean stream, then Royce thought to himself "Maybe I'll set up camp over there!"

1 Hour later...

Royce: "Great, now I feel like I'm back home, living by myself!"

Meanwhile, at an unknown cave...

Eevee: "Sister, something's at the lake, and there's something bright too!" The little Eevee told her tired sister.


Vaporeon: *The sister grunts* "I'm too tired, I'll go and see what and who it is tomorrow, okay? Now go to sleep, please?!" The Vaporeon responded with exhaustion and sluggishly.

The Next Day...

Vaporeon goes to Eevee room to wake her up, but with a "surprise".

Vaporeon: "Wake-up!" She then decides to use "Water Gun" on her sister. "Why did you use 'Water Gun' on me for? You know mommy will get mad at you for that!" The little Eevee yelled at her sister, soaked in water.

Vaporeon: "Yeah, well you wanted to 'show' me something, and I'm willing to follow you and see what that something is, but sorry for squirting you with water sis!"

5 minutes later...

Eevee and her Vaporeon sister arrive at Royce's camp, then they heard the sounds of yawning, next Eevee asks Vaporeon, while Royce was starting to wake up from inside his tent. "Think we should go inside that thing?"

Vaporeon: "I don't know, but what I do know is that we'll need to be quiet, if we're to know what it is in there!"

Meanwhile with Royce...

Royce began to hear voices as he started to wake up and asks himself. "Wonder who's out there?"

Royce: "If you're out there, and can hear me, cause I know you're out there, come in here right now!."

Vaporeon: "This isn't good; he's heard us!" Vaporeon freaked out.

Eevee: "Let's go inside already!!" The little Eevee stated, while also getting inpatient.

Vaporeon: "Fine, but it's not my death if you die!" Eevee enters Royce's tent, while Vaporeon stood outside waiting to hear from her sister, but all Vaporeon heard was an "Aww" as if the thing was being friendly towards Eevee, then vaporeon decides to go inside with Eevee, but before she did, she heard laughter coming from Eevee and Royce (she didn't know), next thing that she did was unexpected, she surprised Royce with "Water Gun"

Royce: "Ahh!!! Cold, cold water, very cold water! *makes unknown noises*," Vaporeon starts laughing as a result.

Royce: "THAT ISN'T FUNNY; I'D BET YOU WOULDN'T LIKE IT IF SOMEONE 'TORCHED YOU', WOULD YOU NOW!?!?" Royce yelled towards the Vaporeon,


Vaporeon: "NO, not fire, NEVER!!" She reacted towards the threat of her being set ablaze. Before he felt somewhat sorry for the terrified Vaporeon.


Royce: "I didn't mean to be so harsh, I won't actually set you ablaze, okay?" He asked the terrified Vaporeon, only for her little sister Eevee to speak up for her.

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