Chapter 5: Mating Season. (This is Strange.)

Start from the beginning

Royce: "A backpack is like a pouch that you can wear on your back, and put accessories in like; necessities and entertainment items," and as if on cue, Cyril appears right in front of Royce and Winter, he then glares daggers at Royce, but Winter sees this and prevents him from glaring any more daggers, Cyril grabs Royce's backpack, trying to rip it off his back. "Hey! What is it with you, and what do you have against me!?"*Cyrils talking is muffled*

Cyril: "Nothing at the moment, I just want to see what's in the sack!"

Royce: "Just let me go, and I'll let you see it!" Squirming around like a little bug.

Cyril: "Fine! You win this time Ape!" He releases Royce's backpack with Royce still gripping onto his backpack.

Royce: "Here, like I promised!" Royce takes off the backpack off of his back, then hands it to Cyril, whom asks what the "sack" was.

Cyril: "So, what is this 'thing' on your back called?"

Royce: "This?" Showing Cyril the backpack. "This is... Like I said to your daughter, this is called a 'backpack', but some Humans call these 'book bags,' and these ladies and gentlemen are what they are called!" *Cyril laughs*

Cyril: "For an Ape, you're pretty funny." Not realizing he just offended Royce, without realizing that he was being speciest.

Royce: "HEY!!!" Royce took the offensive comment personally. "What, did I offend you by calling you 'funny,' huh?"

Royce: "No, actually I'd take the 'being funny' thing as a compliment, but what you called me is what I'd take offense to!"

Cyril: "What do you mean exactly, you are an 'Ape,' are you not?"

Royce: "No, not really, but can I talk to someone who's a lot more... 'intelligent' around here so that he or she can explain everything to you without confusing you. I also need the person to be calm, no matter what I'd say, do you know anyone like that around here?" Without hesitation, Cyril sent Royce along with Winter to the Electric Guardian, Volteer. While traveling down the hallway down to Volteer's room, Winter "warns" Royce that Volteer can be "quite a motor-mouth", then Royce replies to Winter with sarcasm.

Royce: "I'm sure it can't be be that bad!"

Winter: "Well, don't say 'I didn't warn you'! Okay?!" After a little bit of traveling down the hall, the duo (Winter & Royce) get to their destination, Winter then begins to, or well she actually starts to brag when they Volteer's nameplate: Volteer, Also. Known. As, Mr. Motor Mouth.

Winter: "See!? I told you so!"

Royce: "I never doubted you one bit, Winter." I said in a calm, yet firm voice.

Royce: "I sure do hope that Volteer won't be... I don't know... so... understanding. Winter, do you think that he'll understand?"

Winter: "Of course I do (trying to sound positive), and if anything 'does' go wrong, I'll help back you up on it, okay, you got my support!" Royce, hearing this, gave him full confidence to hear that one of his friends was willing to help him. Next he goes up to the room Volteer was being 'captivated' in, and knocks on the door.

Volteer: "That's weird, I'm sure that I wasn't supposed to have a visitors, I wonder who these 'visitors' are!" Volteer goes up to his door room, opens his door, and is surprised by who it was.

Winter: "Oh, hi Uncle Volteer, me and my 'friend' here would like to talk to you 'privately', okay Uncle Volteer!?"

Volteer: "Okay, well both of you, come in here now!" Volteer pulls us into his room. "Right!... Now that you two... Wait, why are you here?!" Volteer freaked out, while pointing at Royce.

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