Regrets. (Dean Winchester)

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Prompt: You're pregnant with Dean's baby, and when you tell him he gets upset and leaves.

A small smile came onto your lips as you looked down at the small, pink plus.

A baby, you thought to yourself, finally I can have a family.

It wasn't so much as the fact that you were going to finally be a complete family, you had Dean, Sam, Bobby, and Castiel, it was just the fact that you were going to have a child. Someone you and Dean could be proud of. Someone you could raise, and tell all your adventures to.

But as quick as the tiny smile came onto your face, it was gone.

You and Dean had never really talked about children, since you had only been together for about a year and a half. You didn't really have any idea if he wanted kids or if he didn't. If he did this would be great, but if he didn't then there might be some problems. One thing was for sure though: you would never get rid of this child. A knock on the cheap bathroom door broke your thoughts.

"Hey, (Y/N)," you heard Dean begin to ask. "Are you ok? You've been in there for a long time."

Your arms were now locked at your sides, but nevertheless you reached over and unlocked the door, softly pulling it open. You stared up at Dean, taking in the greenness of his eyes and the pinkness of his lips.

I hope our baby has his eyes, you thought, scolding yourself as soon as it came to your mind.

"I'm fine." You told him with a small grin, watching him smirk.

"I know you're fine," he flirted lamely, "I tell you that every day."

You chuckled at him, before leaning up and giving him a kiss on the lips. They tasted like pecan pie.

Your mind rattled, ideas of when and how to tell him flittering through hazardously.

Should I come right out and say it, you asked yourself, or maybe I should tell him over a date.

Sam was probably still talking to a few of the victims, leaving the room to just you and Dean, unless Cas decided to pay a visit.

Once you got cuddled up together on your bed, arms and legs intertwined like a ball of yarn, you began.

"Babe, we need to talk about something." You stated, watching Dean's head turn towards yours. He simply raised his eyebrows, urging you to continue.

"So, the reason I was in the bathroom for so long was because I was taking a pregnancy test." You said bluntly, watching as his eyes widened and his arms released themselves from yours. He sat up, still staring at you.

"W-What?" He stuttered out.

You cursed yourself mentally. You should have waited. Found out how he felt about children.

"I took a pregnancy test." You repeated.


You watched his reaction carefully. "And it was positive."

In the blink of an eye he was standing up. He paced for a moment, before his eyes caught the book covered table in the corner. He lunged towards it, knocking all the objects off, letting out a snarl as he did so.

Fear raced into your veins as you quickly raised up from the shared bed. Dean never acted like this. He began pacing, before looking up at you, asking if you were sure.

"Yes, Dean. Im sure." You replied.

He stopped moving, taking deep breaths. He looked up at you, his face filled with fear, only to change into a void of emotion.

"I need a drink." he stated simply, grabbing his coat and walking out the door. You rushed forward, gripping his arm and pulling him to face you. Your eyes searched his, trying to find an ounce of happiness.

He tugged his arm out of your hand, turning back to the door and slamming it as he left. You tugged it back open, watching as he walked off.

"When will you be back?" You yelled to him, feeling anxiety slowly crawling into your system.

"Later." He replied, climbing into the Impala.

As soon as the car disappeared from your sight, you allowed all the tears to run down your face. You pulled the door back open and slowly walked back inside, feeling sadness and regret wash over you like rain.

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