Old Friends (Sam)

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Prompt: You're at a bar and you see your ex-boyfriend, Sam Winchester. He had cheated on you with Ruby so you didn't want to talk to him, but after a few moments you realized you missed him. You then ask him to help you on your current case.

It was a night like basically every other. Someone was being killed by a creature that was draining their blood. It was a vampire probably, usually was, but this case was just different. Only problem was you didn't know how and you didn't know why. Maybe that was the reason you were here drinking. Of course it could also be the terrible weather.

As you lifted your hand to wave at the bartender for another drink, your eyes caught the small purple bruise that was beginning to form across your knuckles, right beside a few scrapes. It had been from your last job: salting and burning the bones of James Collet, a ghost who was killing anyone that was near his abandoned farm at three a.m.

You gave a small smile towards the bartender as he slid over to you your rusty-colored drink. He simply nodded back at you before going back to talking to someone.

As you set your head on top of the cool, wooden bar someone came up beside you.

"Is this seat taken?" The man asked. You didn't move except to shrug. A headache was beginning to form, probably due to the couple yelling in the corner.

"Rough night?" Questioned the voice again. People these days, you thought to yourself, always bothering the people who don't want to be bothered.

With a sigh, you lifted your head, immediately taking a small gulp of the alcohol. "Trust me, buddy. You have no idea."

From the corner of your eyes you looked at the man, quickly realizing who he was.

With a quick gulp, the rest of your drink was gone. You reached into your back pocket, hoping that a twenty would cover the drinks you just had. As you stood up, you knocked your bar stool over, nearly going down with it if it hadn't been for your old friend grasping your arms.

Mentally cursing yourself for being so reckless, you stood up. You grabbed the stool quickly and set it straight, preparing yourself to leave.

"Hey, hold on a second." You paused upon hearing the Winchester's voice. "Why don't you stay and have a drink with me?"

Slowly, you turned around. Sam's face contorted with surprise, before he grinned widely.

"Well, if it isn't ole (Y/N)." He chirped, reaching his arms out towards you, only to have you dodge and sit back in your seat.

"Hey there Sam." You replied back, watching him stare at you for a moment.

"Do you want a drink?" He asked you with an awkward like tone, causing a frown to appear.

"No, I'm good." You denied. "I think I've had enough."

He stared at you for a moment longer, before waving the bartender over, only this time it wasn't the kind, older man it had been. It was now a young raven-haired girl with shorts and a crop top.

She eyed Sam like he was a piece of meat, causing you to feel the claws of the little green monster called "jealousy". The worst part was, she was actually kind of pretty.

"What can I get for you, hon?" She asked, giving Sam a smile. You wanted to reach forward and rip her eyelashes off, but you knew that would be weird and rude.

Sam coughed slightly, giving her a tight lipped smile. "I just need two cokes."

She nodded before going to retrieve the order, swaying her hips as she did so.

You turned your head back to Sam, seeing that he was looking back at his older brother who was sitting across from a waitress, and most certainly flirting.

"Man, you can't take him anywhere can you?" You joked, grinning to yourself as you heard a chuckle escape his lips.

"Uh, no, not really." He agreed, looking back at you with a smile.

Butterflies erupted in you stomach as you stared into his mahogany colored eyes. My goodness, they were gorgeous. Sadly, the moment was ruined as the waitress returned back to the two of you.

"Here you go, two cokes. Anything else?" To your amazement, Sam's eyes stayed locked with yours as he replied a quick no.

He passed a coke towards you, saying something about how you used to love them, before taking a sip of his own.

The awkwardness was pretty quickly subsiding, but that didn't get rid of the tension between the two of you.

Finally, you decided the only way to get rid of it was to talk about it, and as much as you would rather do it somewhere private, this was your only chance.

It looked like Sam had the same idea, because right as you began to ask him why it happened, he opened his mouth.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry for what happened to us. I just," he paused, "I just thought I was doing something good, you know. I didn't mean for you to get hurt."

You could feel your heart melting as you stared at his puppy-like face. All the fun times you two had, had were still fresh in your mind. Your first hunt together, your first kiss, all sorts.

You let out a small sigh as you looked at him, forcing a smile to come onto your face.

"Do you," you began, watching his face for any signs of uncomfortableness, "Do you and Dean want to help me out on this case? You know, like the old days?"

He grinned widely at you, reaching a hand over to grab your non-bruised one. "Yeah, that'd be great."

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