"Well. Goodbye then." I said in a rush to get him out of my house. He nodded solemnly and then turned around, opened the door, and left. I sighed with relief. Why did it feel so good saying goodbye to him for the final time? Because I was stupid. That's why. And I was able to erase stupidity out of my life finally.


I arrived the Louis and Harry's flat at five, just as they told me. Louis greeted me at the door with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He was wearing a nice blazer and jeans. This was a serious dinner party. I shook off my wet umbrella and entered the flat. I saw no one. 

"Where is everyone?" I asked, making my way over to the couch. Louis was fiddling with his hands as he closed the door.

"They aren't coming until six." He said. I barely heard him.

"What? I'm an hour early! You told me five, Louis Tomlinson." I scolded. It wasn't that I absolutely cared, but still I've got nothing to do for a whole hour. And I even put on a nice dress for tonight. 

"That's okay. I just wanted us to talk a little bit." He said. I raised my eyebrows. Then I realized that I too had something to tell him. Something important. Very important. 

"Yeah...I guess we do." I replied with a smile. Louis was about to sit down next to me on the couch but the home phone line began ringing. With a deep sigh Louis sat up and made his way to the receiver on the stand in the hallway. 

"Hello?" I heard him ask. He leaned up against the wall in the living room. I just sat their and waited. His eyes began to widen. Even I couldn't tell if it was in shock or anger. "R-really? I-I did?!...Are you serious, sir?!...Oh of course...Yes I can be there tomorrow...Thank you, thank you so much...Yeah I can't believe it!...Yeah that's good...7 o'clock?...Fine with me...Thank you!...Alright...You too, sir...Thank you...Yeah ha ha...goodnight." Louis ended the call and literally dropped the receiver on the carpeted floor. My eyes were wide as I waited for his response. "I-I...I got the part." He replied. My mouth dropped to the ground. "I got the movie part. Olivia I'm gonna be in a movie!!" He shouted. I leaped up from my place on the couch and hugged him tightly.

"Wow...Louis this is incredible." I said into his neck. "I'm so proud of you." I told him. His arm tightened around my waist. 

"Thank you." He whispered. I smiled as we pulled out of the hug. Then I remembered the conversation we needed to have. I collapsed back on the couch. Louis' face fell a little.

"What is it?" He asked, sitting on the coffee table in front of me, out knees brushing. 

"I need to tell you something." I began. Louis frowned a little and motioned for me to continue. "I-I...I got back to-together with...Chris." I started. I was going to keep on going but Louis stood up really quickly, a mortified expression on his face.

"What?" He whispered. I tried to continue, but Louis went on. "You got back together with...Chris? Olivia how could you do that! He's a horrible person! Remember what he did to you?"

"Yes but-"

"Why? Why Chris?" He shouted. I frowned and stood up.

"What do you mean 'Why Chris'? What's wrong with Chris?" I retorted.

"Don't you remember what he did to you! He cheated on you! And why do you even have to date someone? Why now? Why ever?" He asked next.

"Oh so now it's a problem with me dating someone?" I said back, my voice rising. Louis shoved his hands through his hair and stepped back.

"Yes. There's the problem. Olivia, I don't want you dating anyone!" He replied. My mouth shut up quick. "I don't want you dating Chris or Brett or Lucas or Mitchell. Olivia I don't want you dating anyone." He emphasized.

Friends With Benefits (Book 1 in the Lou&Liv Trilogy) (One Direction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें