Chapter Sixteen

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Niall's P.O.V.

After things with Olivia cleared up I actually did meet Lucy again. I know, I know...I probably sound like the biggest jerk-douchebag-loser-meanie head ever. But it was actually Olivia who pushed me towards it. She told me to call her and assured me she would not be offended. She knew that it was time to move on. She knew that it was time to be best friends again. And that's exactly the direction we were heading in. Olivia is my best friend again. Who says exes can't be friends? Olivia and I sure seem to be making it work.

Anyways, I met Lucy at Nando's again. She was happy to see me and I was too. I was glad I was going to be able to explain things to her.

"Thanks for calling, Niall. I really have been needing someone to talk to!" She said. "My dormrooms been getting quite lonely." Lucy told me. I just smiled.

"Look...there's a problem." I told her. Lucy's smile faded. I had this whole speech planned out in my head. "When you gave me your number I didn't tell you that I have a girlfriend." Lucy's face didn't waver. She just held a straight, calm face. "But we actually split up recently. So I'm officially asking you out on a proper date. One that's not in Nando's and that's actually a real, nice date." I said. I held my breath, praying she'll reply with good news. She fumbled for her words.

"Niall...that's majorly sweet. But I meant what I said when I asked for a friend. I have a boyfriend back in New York." My heart fell. Damn I look like such an idiot.

"Oh...oh I'm so sorry--"

"No I'm sorry. I really should have said something--"

"It's all my fault. I knew this would end badly--"

"No I just want a friend, that's all--"

"I'm sorry. Let's just leave it at that." I said defiantly, ending our little back and forth fault tossing. Lucy did look incredibly apoligetic though.

"I'm very sorry I misled you. That was not my intent. I just really thought you were sweet and friendly. I'm so sorry I made you think I was trying to make a go for you." Lucy said. I just nodded.

"It's fine. I kinda thought that it would be my bad luck asking you out. My ex-girlfriend literally broke up with me when I came back from Nando's that day." I confessed. Lucy looked mortified.

"Oh my God...I broke you two up! God I'm so sorry! This is all my fault! Dammit I had a feeling a cute guy like you would be taken...and then I seemed like I was making a move on you! I'm so sorry!" Lucy poured out.

"No, no, no! Don't be sorry. We had been drifting apart for a while and it was going to happen sooner or later." I assured her.

"I will never live this down." Lucy said.

"No, it's not your fault! Nothing you did changed things." I replied.

"I am a horrible person." She said in a monotoned voice.

"Lucy! It. Is. Not. Your. Fault." I emphasized. Lucy met my eyes.

"I'm still sorry. I know break ups are terrible. Kody and I almost split when I told him I'd be taking a year over here in London. But we're strong. I think we'll make it." She told me.

"So Kody's your boyfriend?" I asked, feeling ridiculous considering the fact I had just asked her out. Lucy nodded and smiled inadvertantly.

"He's great. We've been together for about three years now. Well, four this summer." Lucy explained. I smiled.

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