Chapter Ten

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Louis' P.O.V.

That next morning we all met Paul in the lobby since we had to report to him what we were going to be doing that day. I told him I would wander around, which a hat and glasses on of course, and just see the city. I was in complete disbelief when he actually agreed to let me. I was all set on heading out...until I overheard Niall's plans.

"Yeah me and Olivia were going to go to this little pond I found a few blocks over, and then probably eat, and then maybe head back to the hotel, and probably eat again." Niall said to Paul. I stiffened up. I don't know why, so don't ask why. I waited until Olivia and Niall were happily exiting the hotel through the front when I confronted them.

"Hey where you guys going?" I asked, pretending to be normal. They turned and looked at each other before they told me. Weird.

"I found this pond a few blocks over and it's really cool looking. I was gonna show Olivia it and then we were probably going to go eat." Niall told me. Not that I didn't know that already or anything...

"Oh really? Actually I was thinking we could go to this, erm, baseball game that's playing today. I thought it would be fun!" I told them. I don't know much about baseball because it's mainly an American game, but since we were in America I figured it fit. Niall looked hesitant.

"Well, considering I know more about sports than you--" Cue Olivia's giggles. "--I'm pretty sure baseball plays in the summer and not the fall." Niall told me. I laughed.

"Oh I thought there was something playing today...maybe we could all go see something together?" I suggested. Olivia looked down and shifted in her spot. Niall looked away and adjusted his snapback on his head.

"Maybe after I show her this pond." Niall said. I just nodded.

"Good, mate. Have fun." I said. I give up. No way I was getting them out of going to that stupid pond. I went back up to my hotel room. No use in going anywhere anyways. I ended up falling asleep on the bed and woke up about four hours later. I sprinted down to the lobby to see if I could find Niall and Olivia. I was thankful when I caught them in the bar, Niall desperately trying to buy a drink but since he is not legal in America, he couldn't. 

"Louis!" Olivia said spotting me. She waved me over. I smiled and joined them. Niall took Coke instead but anyone could tell he was pissed. 

"So how was the pond? How long were you there?" I asked. Olivia and Niall just glanced at each other and began laughing. What is with all the damn laughing! They just look at each other and start laughing. God damn all these inside jokes are killing me. 

"We actually didn't stay there long. We fed a few ducks and then left. Niall got jealous of the ducks so he begged me to go get him food." Olivia told me laughing. Somehow I was suddenly relieved. Nothing happened. Good. 

"That's cool." I said. I walked up with them to the hotel rooms. While Olivia turned into mine and her room I caught Niall's elbow before he followed her in there. "You guys have been hanging out a lot." I reminded him. He just slowly nodded.

"...Yeah? So?" Niall asked, shaking free of my grasp. 

"Nothing's like...going on between you, right?" I asked, suddenly ashamed I had to ask such a question. It's not like I should care or anything. In fact Niall and Olivia together would be good. Good influences on each other.

"She's my friend too, mate." Niall said. He then just walked into the room and slammed the door behind him.


***Three Weeks Later***

"Louis, this is Sarah's friend, Eleanor." Harry said. He stepped aside and revealed the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my entire life. Her brown hair flowed perfectly down and her brown eyes had glints on green exploded through it. She was absolutely breathtaking. 

"H-Hi." I stuttered. She giggled. God her laugh is even beautiful. "I'm Lewis. Shit. I mean..." I freaked. I can't believe I messed up my own name! "Louis. It's Louis. My name is Lou-ee. Louis Tomlinson" I enunciated. Eleanor giggled again. 

"Eleanor Calder." She said smiling. We shook hands. I was starstruck. She is absolutely beautiful. She was the friend of one of Harry's old coworkers. He and this girl, Sarah, worked at the bakery together. Sarah was in town with her friend and met up with Harry and I. Thus, I met Eleanor. 

When I first brought Eleanor back to my flat, I found that Olivia was waiting there. She was going to hang out but I didn't know she was. Olivia studied Eleanor carefully. I could see the watching eye she gave her, analyzing Eleanor's every move and every feature. But who couldn't take their eyes off of Eleanor? She incredibly gorgeous. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole world was in love with her. 

The lads all liked Eleanor. She has a sweet and goofy personality. She takes jokes well and she makes them just as good. Harry even called her the female version of me. Eleanor could never be another version of me, though. Eleanor's gorgeous and beautiful and there is no way that she could possibly resemble me. Sure we both like a laugh but there is no way I could ever be compared to me. I'm too imperfect for someone as perfect as her. 

Niall and Olivia kept hanging out more and more but I barely noticed. I was too focused on Eleanor. She distracted me from pointless things and had me focus on the important things. She had stolen my heart, literally. And I wasn't about to beg for it back.

*************************** AUTHOR'S NOTE *************************

Okay so I thought I'd give this chapter to you all as a gift :3 A gift in return to all the incredibly AMAZING comments!!! Like you have no idea how long I laugh at that shit. I'm not even kidding. Thank you so much for all the comments! It's like I fangirl every time you guys comment. So thanks! Please comment on this! More exciting and game-changer things will be going on in the coming chapters so stay tuned! They will be up soon but I'm up late here and it's past my bedtime! So I hope you like my gift! COMMENT  AND VOTE!!! PLEASE 'N THANK YOUUUUUU :D


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