Arthit drives his car to kong home, no tears, no emotions, no thoughts in his mind, he is blank and empty. He knows kong is angry with him so he shouldn't enter kong home without indicating the latter about his arrival. So he knocked on the door nervously, kong opened the door and saw Arthit standing with head hanging low.

kong sighed and leads Arthit inside and Said "it's ok phi, I already forgiven you, I can't be mad at you for long" .

Silence was all he got, that's when kong noticed Arthit is not in good shape, to make Arthit relax, kong prepared a bath and leads Arthit there.

Kong helped him to remove his cloth, he made him sit inside the tub which is filled with warm water, when kong about to shampoo Arthit hair that latter hugged him and started sobbing, kong doesn't know what is the matter, every passing second Arthit sobs increased he feels bleeding, kong rubbed his lover back and said: "it's ok p, I am here, cry all you want"

After some time Arthit breaks kong hug, Arthit insisted that he wants to be alone for some time. So kong leaves without protest.

Arthit mind screamed at him for pushing kong away, he started to cry again, his mind is a mess, what if his dad words were true? what if I hurt kong in the past? what will kong say if he knows that he killed his mother?... ... his thoughts all slowly change into unbearable pain...

Kong changed his dress and waited for Arthit return, he saw Arthit closing the bathroom door and walked slowly to his bed, Arthit sat at the edge of the bed, something was off but kong don't know what? he asked softly: "Phi, are you alright?" But no response from Arthit.

When kong reached his hand to touch Arthit shoulder he moves away from kong touch, without waiting kong climbed off the bed and sat next to Arthit and asked: "what's wrong phi? Did anything happened in the party? Or... is it about krist again?"

Arthit mumbled something which Kong can't catch it, so he gets his ear close to Arthit face, but got stunned by the response, "I am OON, not Arthit"

Kong snapped his head and observed Arthit face closely, Arthit face blushed deep red by kong closeness, 'why is his face getting red?' Kong questioned himself.

Seconds later, seeing Arthit shyly rubbing his ear, kong understood that his closeness is the reason for Arthit face to get red.

He pulls back his face from Arthit and thought 'when did Oon take over? And why? Now what? finally, Oon is here but what do I ask?, shit!! Why the hell I am nervous and thinking myself instead of questioning Oon?'

When he saw Arthit through the corner of his eyes 'OMG!!, is Arthit always looks this beautiful with a blush, next time I should DO it in a daytime to enjoy this visu-..., what the fuck kong? Stop your perverted thoughts and inquiry him' Kong scolded himself for his dirty thought.

Kong took a deep breath and said himself "ok don't be nervous, you are a grown-up ass, why can't I stop myself from getting nervous? is it because he is a kid? I already handled my moron...wait what!? MY MORON, shit! I am getting insane.." kong snap out to reality by Oon voice.

Oon asked in a sad voice "you won't talk with me? You don't like me anymore?"

Kong quickly shouted "NO! I am about to talk with you... I just's just sudden", Oon cut him off after understanding kong dilemma, he answered the latter "He got more tensed and about to lose his conscious so I take over"

"Ohhh" was all kong uttered before he went back to his thought "Did something happened to P'arthit in the Party for the latter to feel hurt? How can I find the truth?"

Oon poked kong forearm with his index finger when kong turned his face to Oon, that latter asked: "how are you?"

"Huh" kong asked, Oon said: "it's been a long time since we met, so I asked how are you?"

Kong facepalmed his stupidity and answered him with a smile " I am good, how are you?"

Oon also smiled and said "fine... sorry P'si.....P'kong that you got hurt because of me "

Kong got confused, so he carefully asked Oon about it "what you mean hurt by you?", Oon creased his forehead in confusion but exclaimed next moment in realisation "Ahh!!! I forgot, uncle krist told me, you don't have our memory!"

"Uncle Krist?" Kong exclaimed internally in surprise, so two personality were having close relationship.

"when did uncle krist told you about me?" Kong asked in surprise. Oon smiled sadly and replied, "After your accident uncle krist visited you, but you didn't remember him, he told me after we started talking through notes"

Kong got surprised and thought himself, 'so krist came to see me, that moron knows everything about me still not opening his mouth!, how dare he!'

kong asked "Oon will you tell me how we met and how we end up losing each other". Oon nodded his head with enthusiastic smile.


I am sorry(kongart)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now