"By studying hard?" Aryaman interjected with a chuckle and joined them from behind for the lecture.

Nandini made a bad face "it might be easy for a studious soul like you but for me, it's like climbing a mountain."

Aryaman smiled "then let's climb that mountain together. What say?"

Nandini twitched her lips with a goofy smile making Navya chuckle and encircle her arms around her shoulder.

The next few hours of their lecture went totally hectic for Nandini. Too much of studies made her brain brood.

She doodled and made the back page of her notebook cover with the initial letter of 'M'. Navya on finding her not paying attention to the lecture nudged her but Nandini didn't budged a bit.

Nandini was having this tough war inside her heart and mind. Even with her determined mind she couldn't help but think about Manik.

She was just relying upon that thin thread of patience. She was waiting where he would make an attempt to talk to her and accept her. But seeing the day passing without any progress was just breaking her hopes into pieces.

Aryaman seeing Nandini lost slightly peeked on her notebook and stilled when he saw the particular letter. Not wanting her to be distracted for this silly attraction, Aryaman intentionally dropped her pencil box making Nandini snap out of her trance.

"Uh-sorry" mumbling sheepishly, Aryaman bent down and got her pencil box and purposely kept it over her notebook which made her shut her notebook abruptly.

Nandini smiled edgily and got her eyes back on the lecture to avoide the distracting thoughts out of her mind.

The next lecture was cancelled and the trio decided to spent their time in the ground. They chose a place under the shade of a tree and made themselves comfortable.

"Tch! We seriously need to study hard for this semester or else we won't be allowed for the finals." Navya muttered going through the syllabus with a sigh.

Aryaman smiled "don't worry we will make it easily. If we plan our timetable accordingly then we can accomplish anything."

Nandini exhaled a deep breath and cupped her cheeks with a pout "as much as it sounds easy I don't think it would be that easier to do."

"Why not? Let's not keep a negative thought. I know we will do our best." Aryaman boosted "let's do a group study in my house?"

Nandini and Navya snapped their eyes at him widely and then at each other.

Aryaman suspired and sighed "after college in the library?"

That made both the girl sigh in relief and nod their head. Aryaman chuckled and got himself on making a timetable for them.

For the past two hours, trio were in the ground discussing on the basic notes and importants for their semester. Nandini was bored to no extent that she didn't even bothered to see before dropping her head over Aryaman's shoulder.

The gesture made Aryaman surprise while Navya was too busy on her notes to notice them. But someone else did noticed them.

Fury was evident in his gaze as soon as Manik's eyes caught their sight. His palm was fisted into ball whereas his jaw was clenched tight. He was rooted on his spot.

Akansha who was by his side followed his gaze and smiled with admiration "don't they make a cute couple?"

Suddenly feeling his presence somewhere, Nandini roamed her eyes around but couldn't find him. That's when she suddenly acknowledged her position and quickly straighten up.

Manan_Tera Ban Jaunga [COMPLETED✔️]Where stories live. Discover now