List Of The Boys (A/N)

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Okay so I don't think I've ever written one of these, but masically I'm telling you about the boys im writing for so you'll know what to look for/who to look for if that makes sense.

Payton Moormeier

Jackson Felton

Griffin Johnson

Noen Eubanks

Jake Cooper

Anthony Reeves

Josh Richards

Chase Hudson

Caleb Finn

Ethan Hughes

Luca S. Charlton

Kio Cyr

Chase Keith

Kevin Perry

Sam Hurly

I'm adding a few other people's as well...

Dylan Hartman

Jason/Joe Waud

Jeremy Hutchins

Joey Birlem

-Also Adding-

Taylor Holder


Kairi Consentino

You can dm me a person because that it probably the only way I'll see it..
Okay imagine coming soon, I just really want the imagine I've been working on to be good (tbh, I've barely even started and it's a two-three part imagine)

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