Chapter 1

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"Ugh, what the heck? How did I... get here?" I look around to see absolutely nothing. I mean literally, nothing but void. I blinked, quite confused as to how I am here, wasn't I destroyed? How is it that I am here if I was indeed destroyed by whatever the heck destroyed me. "Welcome to the Seas of Souls, I suppose." I whipped my head to the direction of the voice, to see a cloak person. "Who are you?" I asked them with cautions. "You will soon find out, we must wait for one more person." the cloak person told me calmly, I was anything, but calmed.

"Um, where are we?"I looked over to my left to see...Rainbow Steve!? Wait, what!? Wasn't he destroyed by Void Steve! I looked at Rainbow Steve with my mouth open in surprise. When Rainbow Steve see me, he looks very much confused. Heck, I am just as confused as him! Hey wait, I'm just noticing this now, but, what's up with Rainbow Steve clothes? Now I think about it, what happened to my clothes? "Good, you both are here. Now then, I understand both of your confusion, but this is very important that you hear and understand everything I say." Me and Rainbow Steve looked over to see the cloak person smiling , which confuses us even more. "Who are you and why are we here?" Rainbow Steve asked, the cloak person just smiled. "You both do not need to know who I am, but for now, you both have been given a second chance to Save your friend and possibly changed history." Me and Rainbow Steve looked at the person in complete shock, what exactly do they mean by that?

"What do I mean by what I mean? Well, you see, your friend have unfortunately failed victim to a plague, after returning to the Steve Realm after disappearing for generations." Rainbow Steve frowned. "How can Sabre be defeated by a plague? I know for sure that Sabre would fight until the very end!" To be honest, I agree with Rainbow Steve on this one, I nodded in agreement. "Sabre is emotionally broken." Both me and Rainbow Steve instantly stopped and froze up in shocked. "H-how? How c-can that b-be?" Rainbow Steve Shakenly asked, I honestly have nothing to say, I'm just as shocked as Rainbow Steve. The cloaked person just sighed. "I am unsure what had caused him to be emotionally broken, he had either been betrayed or many people he cared for either lost or hated him." Me and Rainbow Steve looked at each other in worried concern.

I know that Rainbow Steve is very much worried about his best friend, because he known him longer than I have and I'm only worried about Sabre because I see them as a mother, yes a mother, I may have been emotionless and insane at the time, but I learned to feel emotions thanks to Sabre helping me out, although I would have enjoyed my redemption if I wasn't destroyed by something, plus I very much act like a rebellious teenager, if I was still around. "Is there a way to prevent this from happening?" Rainbow Steve asked the cloaked person, they nodded. "There is, you two, or should I say you four will be taken back in time to the beginning to when Sabre first discovered the Steve Saga." Me and Rainbow looked surprised and shocked, wait, Four? "What do you mean by four? There is only me and Rainbow Steve?" I asked, confusingly, the cloaked person just smiled. "Ah yes, Galaxy Steve, Time Steve you two can come out now." Before me and Rainbow Steve can say anything, both Galaxy Steve and Time Steve appeared in front of us, we both stepped back in shock.

"Rainbow Steve?" Galaxy Steve and Time Steve asked in surprised shocked, said Steve nodded, then they looked at me, only to glare at me, I Look down in shame, I suppose I don't deserve any kind of apologies, I deserved it for what I had done in the past. We all then heard someone clearing their throat, me and Rainbow Steve then remember the cloak person. "Will you now tell us who you are and why we are here?" He asked them, the rest of us nodded in agreement. "You wish to know why I have brought you here and that all four of you are here. Very well then, the reason you four are here and are being sent to the beginning is to prevent the events of the present time, and to give each one of you a second chance and to prevent the Savior's death. You all know who the savior is after he's Sabre. " They told us, wait this is a second chance? And wait, Sabre is a Savior!?"What do you mean exactly by " Second chance" And why us four exactly?" Time question the person, oddly enough, why am I chosen to be part of this? I mean, I can understand the others, but why me?

"You want to know why you are part of this, don't you?" I looked at the cloaked person in surprised, they read my mind? "The only reason you are here is because you were lonely, abandoned, outcasted and without that of emotions. As a way to let you live a life with emotions and to fix your mistake, you are here to fix them." I looked at them in surprise, I wasn't expecting that. "I... I see. About this time traveling mission, why is it that we four are needed specifically?" I asked the cloaked person. "You four are chosen, because I believe that Sabre can be saved by you four. I know that you may think that you are not fit for this, but Sabre believes in you, Origin Steve." I looked at them in surprise, Sabre believed in me?

I felt someone hand on my shoulder, I looked to see Galaxy Steve. "If Sabre believes in you, then it's up to you to decide your own path for which you chosen. Sabre may not have known you long, but knowing him, he can tell that you were emotionally hurting." I smiled softly at what Galaxy Steve told me. "I guess you're right. Although, quick question, what destroyed me?" Galaxy Steve just looked at me blandly. "Someone name Hypno Steve. That guys confuses me too much. Glad he's finally rested though." He told me, Rainbow Steve looked surprised. "He lived that long? I guess he really did fulfill that promise." Time Steve nodded. "Indeed he did." He said.

Although, one thing is nagging my me. "Um, quick question, are we able to bring anything with us to the past? I mean, I'm just curious." I asked the cloak person. "You can bring something, each of you will be given a temporary ability to allow one person, only one person each, their memories from the original timeline. Unfortunately it will not work on Sabre if that's what your thinking." Rainbow Steve closed his mouth, I giggled in amusement. "You all will have a specially made weapons as well." We all perked up at the mentions at that. "Wait, what? Weapons?" They nodded. "Origin Steve, since you looked closely similar to that of the first Steve, you will be given a Diamond Sword and Diamond Pickaxe that will be enchanted greatly." The first Steve? I don't think I should have asked though, but I guess that's fine by me, it's not like I want anything overpowered.

"Galaxy Steve you will be given the Galaxy Sword, yes and I don't care, deal with it." Galaxy Steve just pouted and said something about wanting something different. "Fine, Galaxy Steve instead of you having a sword, would you rather have Dual swords or nothing?" "Dual galaxy swords." Is all he said, we all sweat dropped.

They then looked at Rainbow Steve and Time Steve. "Time Steve, you will be given the Scepter of Time, it will turn to that of a sword, Scythe or Bow, of course you can still channel your power through them as well as store them for later uses or for combat." Time Steve nodded in understanding.

"Rainbow Steve, you will be given the Rainbow Sword,Pickaxe, yes I know you hate the Rainbow Pickaxe, deal with it, the Scepter of hope and a bow. Like the previous two, you can use your powers with your weapons." Rainbow Steve nodded in understanding.

"That would be your weapon, of course you all can hide it powers by simply changing its appearance with your powers." We nodded in understanding. "Although, you never told us who you are." Time Steve asked, oh yeah, I kinda forgot. The person took off the hood of the cloak. "My name is Jack Lake Guardian. My mother, Aria Guardian, as you all know of her, is a bit too busy to help you all at this moment. So she had me deal with it myself, now be prepared, it is drawing near the time for you four to go to the past. I wish you all the best of luck." Wait, they're Aria kid!? Or was it creations? I'm guessing both, but wait, we're leaving already.

"Good luck with landing though." Jack said with a devilish smiled, before we all can questioned, we all instantly started screaming as we fell into a portal that is below us.

Jack point of view

After the portal closed. I just realized something. "Oh boy, I took them to the wronged timeline, oh well, can't be helped, I do wonder how they would react..." Is all I said as I begin to wonder the Seas of Souls.


3rd point of view

By the time Origin Steve and the others arrived to the past in a different timeline, they all were just getting out of a lake. "Ugh, I am never ever trusting that kind of portal hopping ever." Galaxy Steve said as he managed to get himself all dried up, the others nodded in agreement. "I agree, I now know how Sabre feels about this kinda stuff." Rainbow Steve said, then they heard something, they all got into a cautious stance. "Who's there?!" Origin Steve called, once there being that made the sound is revealed, they gasped in shock. The person wore a chicken Onesie, blindfold that covers there eyes, chocolate brown hair. It's there friend that they knew, Sabre, but...

"Sabre a girl?"

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