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Messages between Lizzie and Brie

Brie Cheese:
I need you

Lizard Queen:
What's up babes?

Brie Cheese:
You know how there's that thing that we never talk about but everyone knows about it?

Lizard Queen:
The you and Scarlett sleeping together thing? Yeah, very aware of that. Why?

Brie Cheese:
Because we have a problem.

Lizard Queen:
What kind of problem? I normally would assume you were pregnant, but that's obviously not possible.

Brie Cheese:
When we started this thing we agreed that there would be no feelings and that it wouldn't be a real relationship. And I was fine with that.

Lizard Queen:

Brie Cheese:
But it's been three years and I swear if you tell anyone what I'm about to tell you I will murder you.

Lizard Queen:
You're getting feelings aren't you?

Brie Cheese:
Yeah and I have been for a while but I just kept pretending like I wasn't and now I feel like I've dug myself into a hole.

Lizard Queen:
You know you have to tell her, right? That's like the first rule in relationships like this.

Brie Cheese:
I can't tell her that.

Lizard Queen:
You have to babe. I know you don't want to but you can't keep that from her.

Brie Cheese:
I know. But If I tell her it's gonna ruin everything.

Lizard Queen:
Maybe it won't. Me and Chris wouldn't be married with babies if he hadn't told me he had feelings for me when we were doing the same thing you and Scarlett are doing.

Brie Cheese:
I don't know. Maybe I was stupid to think that this situation could actually stay easy.

Lizard Queen:
You're not stupid Brie. You're human.

Brie Cheese:
But why did I have to get myself in this mess?

Lizard Queen:
Because you're human and you wanted to have some fun. There's nothing wrong with that. And you can't help who you have feelings for.

Brie Cheese:
You'd be a good therapist Lizzie.

Lizard Queen:
I'll keep that in mind if this whole acting thing doesn't work out

Brie Cheese:
Anyway imma go eat my feelings so wish me luck

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