Chapter 3: Truth or Dare

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*Kaminair's POV*

I was talking to mina when we looked over to Todoroki's direction we noticed the Ice Prince blushing that was a very rare slight rarer and bakugo smiling. So Me and mina decided to go to him and help him with his little crush were the best UwU

*Mina's POV*

Me and Denki walked over to Todoroki and Tokoyami and I sat down in front of him, looking him dead into the eye. He looks at me confused

"So~ you like Midoryia eh~" I say with a mischievous grin on my face 

Todoroki started chocking on his Cookie 

"W-What why would you think that?!" he said with a slight hint of pink blush on his cheeks

"oh come on just admit it you like our precious broccoli boy," said Kaminari also with a smirk on his face 

*Todoroki's POV* 

I could feel my face starting to heat up with blush as I was about to say something when  Yaoyorozu made an announcement 

"thank god," I said mumbling under my breath

"Okay everyone gather around were playing truth or dare!!"

Everyone immediately came ground the living room and sat down whereas I was practically DRAGGED my Kaminari and Mina so I had no choice but to go there 

Everyone was in a circle, Midoryia to the left of Uraraka with me opposite him, opposite Uraraka was Tsuyu with Iida next to her, Bakugo and Kirishima sat opposite each other. Soon Jioru and Yaoyorozu returned with a bottle and sat back to there spaces

*Uraraka's POV* 

"Alright, so who's going first?!" I said with excitement

"since you suggested it why don't you pink cheeks" replied bakugo in his normal edgy tone 

"alright then!" I said as I leaned in to spin the bottle 

It landed on kaminari 

"okay Denki Truth or Dare?"

"dare cause I'm not scared"

"Okay, then I dare you to confess to your crush and don't bother saying you don't have one because we all know you do!"  as I said that I saw his cheeks flustered red.

"R-right" he picked his phone and called someone as he put it to his ear we all said

"Nuh-uh speaker!"

So he put it on speaker when the person picked up all immediately knew who it was 

"H-hey uhh S-Shinso?" Said Kaminari with even redder cheeks 

"Yes Pikachu?" Shinso replied with a hint of confusion in his voice  

"u-uhh w-well you see I-I uhh"

"spill it denki"


"...U-uhh" by the sounds of it sounded like Shinso was also blushing and flustered

"i-its fine if you don't like me ba-" he was cut off by Shinso saying 

"I like you too Pikachu meet me tomorrow at the cat café at 6.00 pm"

"I- uhh Y-yea see you,"  he said as he hung up

All the girls started screaming and fangirling around including me of course!

I saw Todoroki getting up and sitting on the sofa because he didn't want to play anymore 

Later on when Mina Spun it laned Deku and by the looks of it I was worried for Deku, 

*Midoryia's POV*

I was already getting nervous about the game when it landed on mina I was even more nervous, then the dumbest mistake comes out of my mouth...

"truth or dare Deku," said mina with a face that scared the living hell outta me 

"U-uhh dare WAIT NO I MEA-"

"too late!" shouted mina

"I dare you to sit in todoroki's lap for till the game is over!" Shouted mina

I started blushing like crazy, I swear to you, Kirishima's hair dye would be jealous of me right now.

Since I knew I wasn't going to get off the hook so I decided to get up and walk over to todoroki and sat down on his lap and I saw the tiniest sprinkle of blush spread across this cheek

 Later after all the dares were finished and the game had ended I got off todoroki's lap and rushed the nearest bathroom locking it and covering my face from blushing

*Todoroki's POV*

My face was already starting to burn up when Kaminari, mina, and SERO came along me to 

"your welcome my friend~" Mina said smirking

"I am certainly not thankful," I said glaring her straight in the eye

"Mhm we definitely didn't you see you two blushing SO much" Added Sero 

"guys just leave him alone" Said Yaoyorzu who was walking past us

"If he likes Izuku let him be"

"thank you" I replied, They all walked away sulking, I picked up my phone to check the time it was nearly 7 pm

"what are they going to be going next" I mumbled to my self 

I saw Midoryia come out of the bathroom as I was about to go up to him I saw Uraraka run-up to him and kiss him lightly on the lips I felt my heart shatter for some reason...

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