The I-Am's Am-I's Road Trip (Part 1)

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"Why are you still on this Guy! your not gonna want to see it!" Sam plastered himself in front of the closet determined not to let Guy in. Guy didn't falter but instead put his hand on Sams shoulder. "Sam we are dating you don't have to hide this from me anymore you know" Sam knew Guy was right but...he did not want Guy to see what was in there.

There are pictures of Guy that he doesn't know about and.. Sam might have took a few hairs from Guy Nothing he would notice! Guy a little shocked started to search for missing hair. "Do you see now? you don't wanna look in there" Guy was wondering what else was in there he was definitely flattered that Sam made a shrine for me. Sam tilted his head at this "flattered?" Guy nodded.

Sam looked around and slowly looked Guy in the eye and said "Do you promise you won't laugh?" Guy wasn't gonna laugh he was very happy to have a was strange sure but he wouldn't expect any less from Sam. Sam pouted at this he just didn't think that was true! He just happen to have a shrine of Guy that's normal! "Sure Sam" Sam just wanted to get it over with so he quickly opened the closet and piles upon piles of letters,pictures and art fell from it.

Sam already was regretting his decision Sam was a blushing mess and hid himself in his hat. Guy on the other hand was in amazement. There were pictures that dated all the way to the day they meant. There were also letters Guy have written Sam while he was touring while selling his inventions. He sent Sam a lot of them during the 10 months he was gone about 120 letters. Sam seems to have every single one.

The only thing that bothered Guy was probably the small ball of hair Sam apparently stole from him. Sam blushed more from that and stayed hidden in his hat. Then Guy got quiet Sam wondered why so he peaked up from under his hat. The moment he did he was picked up and was attacked by a kiss from Guy.

"That was real sweet Samuel thanks for reading my letters though the pictures and the hair- its a little strange but its OK just ask me next time yeah?" Sam nodded Sam always stopped talking after they would kiss it still amazed him every time. After these events it was time to pack for the trip. Sam and Guy would probably be gone about a month Sams mom lived far and so did everything else really it will take some time to reach each place.

They decided to sleep early after packing so they could get there faster. Sam had a hard time sleeping he was so excited he never really went on a vacation before. As the norm Guy woke first at the moment of daybreak. He rubbed his eyes and looked down at Sam who was hat less,drooling and with his fur disheveled. Guy was right he was indeed cute.

Guy decided to make breakfast it was going to be a long trip ahead of them. Without even thinking Guy started making Sams green eggs and ham. It had become a normal thing by now for him to do this.

Sam woke up fast to the smell as he always does but this time he ran and kissed guy right on the lip. "Morning briefcase boyfriend!" Guy blushed at this and turned his head from Sam.

"Morning..." Sam beamed at this and ran to get ready for their trip. Guy was embarrassed at this new dynamic. He was not entirely used to it yet but he had to say he definitely never felt this much in love with someone before. Sam came back as fast as he left and was already in his seat waiting for his food.

Guy smiled at Sams cute antics and placed his plate down. Sam was overjoyed and ate them in a blink of an eye. Guy ate his plate also and looked at the clock it was almost time for them to head out. "Hey Sam you got the car from the rental place right?" Sam smirked and said "Yup and for free too!" Guy raised a brow at that. Sam and guy got their briefcases and walked out the door.

Guy grumbled at what he saw. Michelle's car was right in the driveway. "Sam why is her car here?!" Sam smirked with a knowing glance at guy. "She won't know she's on a vacation with Gluntz and E.b" guy felt troubled at this he wanted to tell Sam to put the car back but at the same time they needed it to get on their road trip "Ooh fine but better hope she won't find out."

Sam sat in the drivers seat and slipped on his feet enhancers ( which was just a stick and shoes taped together) which allowed him to reach the pedals. Guy sat in his seat and buckled up now used to Sams insane driving.

Guy probably should be driving but he decided that it couldn't be much harm.

Sam pressed the gas pedal full on and they sped on their way. Guy was used to This fast driving so he sat back and relaxed. Sam passed a few red lights but he was going so fast the cops didn't even see him. Just regular thing for Sam.

Guy should have stopped him However when Sam started going so fast that a wheel popped off sending them flying toward a tree. Luckily Sam turned the wheel in time and hit the break. Guy frowned this was not gonna be as easy of a trip as he once thought.

Guy regretted letting Sam drive...

They got out the car and looked for the missing wheel the axel was gone too so there was no way they could fix it. By now it had been an hour since they hit the road so they were way to far from any bus or train.

"We ruined Michelle's car!" Guy was in deep shit he should have never let Sam take her car. Guy was so angry he didn't feel like talking so he just thought what he wanted to say instead "SAM WERE SCREWED! WERE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO NOW?!"

Sam held his head from the sudden onslaught of noice. It was so loud in his head he couldn't even think himself. "Guy~ boooo~ don't worry about it~ we can just walk our way there its only 9 hours away" Guy shook his head and calmed himself down. "That's by car Sam walking would take a few days"

"Oh." Sam now was really understanding the situation. Guy was now worried about what to do about Michelle's car he looked down at his phone and wondered if calling the police would be helpful. But then he realized he had a stolen car in his possession there's no way that could work.

Guy was not going back into that cold cell again...

That's when sam had a great idea "why don't we call that Fox Guy? We became such good friend after all I'm sure he would help us! I don't think they live that far."

Sam for once in his life had a great idea.

Guy called up fox on speed dial and with 5 rings he picked up. "Hello?" Fox said in a hurry he sounded tired guy looked at the time and saw it was getting late. "Hey fox it's guy we need your help our cars wheel came lose and I was wondering if you can take us to a repair shop." while guy was talking Sam climbed up guys back and sat on his shoulders he was tired of standing.

"Yeah no problem for an old friend! Where are you guys?" Guy looked around and at first saw nothing. Then Sam pointed out a small diner in the distance with some cars parked in front of it. It was named "Eggs, Ham and more Eggs"

Guy told fox the name of the diner and fox stated he knew where it was and was on his way. Guy hung up the phone and started heading for the diner as the sun begun to gently set.

Sam and guy were hungry and they could tell this was gonna be a long trip.


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