The Letter

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Guy walked toward the trophy to get a closer look.... It had a green ham on the top and seemed to have been from a long time ago. The fact that Sam won a trophy for eating the most Green eggs and ham was beyond Guys compensation.

He lost sight of the paper he thought he saw maybe it was his imagination. Just as Guy was about to inspect further and finally take a gander at the trophy Sam busted though the door.

"I'm back!" Sam looked relived he was so glad he made it on time. "Hey you got the ice cream?" Guy turned and walked toward Sam briefly forgetting about the trophy. When Guy looked him over he was beyond suspicious.

Sam looked disheveled and looked like he ran here the bag the ice cream was in had holes in it like it got stuck in a tree branch. "Sam is there something wrong? you look like you ran here." Sam looked nervous and slowly made his way to the trophy. "uhh no I was just so excited to see you again!" Sam nervously smiled and Guy raised his brow in suspicion. "why does he keep walking toward the trophy like that?"

Now Sam was scared he tired to run to the trophy but guy picked him up and hanged Sams shirt and him to a clothing hanger. "Ok now tell me whats the deal with that trophy Sam?" Sam kept looking between Guy and the trophy. "uhhh what trophy?" Sam tired to sound like he didn't know but Guy wasn't stupid.

"You know what I'm talking about don't you? Sam why are you so secretive?" Now Guy was very curious and Sam knew he made it worse. "Uhh it's...a important document!"

Guy all of a sudden got confused. "Document?" Sam knew he messed up Guy had forgotten the paper! He had to think fast. "So I did see a paper..hmm" Guy looked again and spotted it it was very hard to see since only a sliver of it was showing. "Ah! There it is-"

Just when Guy was about to open up the broken trophy and take the paper Sam slid out the hanger and grabbed the trophy. Sam quickly put it behind his back. " it's an important document! I have to umm...deliver it in the mail"

"Really?" Guy rose his eyebrow in suspicion. Sam told him it was nothing important. But guy just wasn't buying it. If Guy figured out what Sam held in his hand it could change everything!

"Yes really!" Sam got his briefcase and stated in a dramatic way that "I'm heading out to the post office to prove it to you!" Sam left as fast as he came. Guy knew right away that Sam was up to something. Whatever he was up to Guy had no idea.

Sam went to a near by park and took out the trophy. Then opened it at the broken area. "Whew!" Sam felt totally relieved! He had somehow prevented guy from ready the letter! Thats what Sam thought before realizing that the letter was no longer in there.

Sam looked around everywhere he was sure he put it in there! He just saw it! Sam retraced his steps not willing to believe he left it back home. Because if he did it would mean the end of everything for him. By now it was so late he had to get back home.

Sam was worried when he walked in Guy would find his letter and never talk to him again. That when Sam heard it his letter..quote by quote. Guy found it and he didn't even hesitate to read it.

It read just as he remembered:

"Dear Guy-Am-I

I Know we are best friend's in the entire world but is it weird if I felt a little more than that?  I know I lied to you before but at this moment I truly want you to believe me when I say I love you. Yes.. I know this is the worst time to admit this to you considering what just happened with you and Michelle but I  can't hold back my feelings for you anymore. Well I can... I mean maybe. Oh whats the point! you'll never read this letter anyway I just want you to know I really really love you is all

Love with all his heart, Sam-I-am

p.s you smell like strawberries and I love it."

Sam inwardly screamed and started sobbing he suddenly didn't want this power anymore. He regretted writing it in the first place. He felt dumb and stupid and now he was terrified to go back home. That's when he felt the feeling of realization which didn't feel like his own.

Sam could not read Guy mind his thoughts were to fast to process...but Sam felt how Guy felt and all Sam could see it as was realization. Guy realized something by reading that letter something he never knew he felt.

Sam couldn't tell what it meant he was confused. why wasn't Guy disgusted with him? Why was Guy feeling out of all things realization? He he always know? Has he figured out the signs? Sam couldn't tell you but...

Guy could.

Guy realized he'd been blind to the obvious. Guy realized he was insensitive and didn't foreseen this outcome. Guy realized that Sam had thought about his feelings more than his very own. He felt empathy, regret, and realization...and it hit Sam like a hard rock across the face.

Then Guys mind got quiet and Sam thought they lost the connection..but then Sam heard a thought that shocked him.

"Why didn't you tell me Sam?"

Sam was never addressed by Guy this way. Guy never tried to communicate though the power Sam had and it shocked him.

"I know you can hear me and I wanna tell you that's it's ok"

Sam was confused what was guy trying to tell him?

"I should have realized sooner now that I think about it it was pretty obvious"

Sam pouted at this he was so not obvious! Everyone had pictures of their friends! Everyone knew their friend secrets! Everyone had a doll version of their friend and also slept with it at at night and a whole hidden room dedicated to them!....

Ok now that Sams hears that last bit to himself he may have been a bit obvious.

"Sam can you come home I have something to tell you."

Sam was scared and tried to drag out his journey home but when Guy told him to hurry up he went faster. When Sam walked into his home the light were out. Sam thought that Guy left that's when out of the dark Guy came up to him picked him up and with a swift motion....

Guy kissed Sam right on the lips.



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