Sam-I-Am The Mind Reader Man

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Two weeks have passed the only things changing is that Guy finally healed from the break up. Besides that nothing took place. Still Sam couldn't hear a single thought. Guy did say it would take some time but Sam wasn't sure he could wait a month to find out what the love of his life was thinking.

Well to take up time Sam went back to work. Yup the criminal himself has a job! Well kinda..he works for Guy he gets him his materials and Guy pays him. He told Sam he couldn't do illegal stuff anymore which sucked.

He had a bit of an attitude about it at first but once realizing that someone cared enough to even stop him from doing these things he soon became grateful. Nobody ever cared like Guy did so he followed his orders.  Sam went to the store to get supplies for Guys latest unnamed project.

When Sam got back from shopping he heard Guy talking to himself in his lair. "I wonder when Sams getting back I'm really worried about him I hope the drink didn't hurt him at all  Sams all I really have right now" When Sam heard that he knew something was weird.

Number 1  Guy never talks to himself. Number 2 Guy would never admit something like that out loud. Sam was sure he misheard him so he walked in to say hello only to watch him talk without moving his lips.

"I should give him a little extra money this time he has been a huge help. I have to be my sneaky with it we may be best friends but it's very hard for me to just say I'll give you extra money that would seem out of character for me right?"

Sam walked in tearing up and on the edge of actual tears "Your drink works..I heard everything you thought..I KNEW YOU CARED!" Sam ran to guy and burst into tears. Guy on the other hand was completely shocked. He was a blushed mess "wait! Huh? It works-" Sam Hugged him tighter making it hard to Guy to breathe.

"Ok! Ok! Sam it works?" Sam was to busy crying to get in any word out. Guy wiped away Sams tears and hugged him back  "I wish Sam would stop crying it's ok for others to care it's nothing to cry about" after Guy thought that Sam slowed his cry to sniffles. Sam realized that Guy had no idea what he's done for Sam.

His whole life nobody did anything for him and here Guy was completely caring for him without a care in the world. Sam fell even deeper in love for Guy and he knew with this new found power it will grow.

After a while Sam completely calmed down "Sorry for crying Guy you know I get emotional sometimes" Sam rubbed his neck and looked off to the side in a embarrassed manor. Guy knew Sam had a weird thing for saying sorry for no reason. "You have nothing to be sorry for Sam..I'm not sure why you cried but you have no reason to say sorry for it"

Sam did a backflip and shook his whole body. "Ok now that the sad mood is gone let me tell you how this all happened" Sam had a history of not talking about his feelings so Guy let it slide this one time. However Guy was determined to find out why he cried.

"I got your supplies yet I still didn't hear a single voice but when I got here I heard yours" Guy thought  that was strange his mind reading drink should have given Sam the ability to hear thoughts from miles away.

So why is he only hearing his? "I'm not sure Guy..that is weird but I guess I should think of a superhero name!" Guy jumped a bit not used to the fact that Sam can hear what he thinks now.

"I've got it! Sam-I-am The mind reader man! Isn't it genius!!" Sam clearly ignored the obvious scare from Guy. "More like The Mind Reader boy" Sam pouted like a toddler "Hey! I'm 24!" Guy rolled his eyes.

"Wow that's gonna get some getting used to" Guy decided it would be a good idea to take them out somewhere to see if his hypothesis was correct. "Yay! where are we going briefcase buddy?" Guy jumped again "god that scares me every time..."

Sam felt guilty for reading Guy thoughts but only for moment. "well anyway I was thinking we go to the mall and see if you can hear thoughts only at a close distance"

"Good idea boo!" Honestly...the nickname was starting to grow on Guy he started not to mind it much. In the corner of Guys eyes he could have sweared he saw Sam smirk.

An hour later they walked to the mall and it was not far. Still Sam could only hear the thoughts Guy had and Guy wondered why. "Maybe because I was the- no that's not it that makes no sense at all"

Guy was invincible to the shock of Sam answering his thoughts now he's been doing it relentlessly for an solid hour. When they finally reached the mall it became very clear that Sam could only hear Guys thoughts.

"Well we might as well stay what do You wanna do Sam?" Sam for once was not paying attention to guy he was looking over at the food court tables. With a pissed expression on his face.

Sitting there was Gluntz and Michelle laughing and joking. When Guy saw this it felt like his heart broke all over again. "why...why of all the times in the world did I have to see her now"

When Guy turned to Sam he was shocked to see an angry Sam which was a rare sight. Sam-I-Am was pissed. When Sam caught wind of Guys thoughts he looked away from the scene. Sam was trying to
Shield himself from anger However by then Gluntz and Michelle saw them looking at them.

Michelle looked conflicted. She wasn't sure she should even say hi to them. She was on terrible terms with Sam and Guy after cheating. She wished she never did it but she knew that being with Gluntz made her happier.

Gluntz squeezes her hand and smiles at her. "You need to talk it out with Guy just you and him" Michelle knew Gluntz was right but she was scared  to face the situation. She cheated on a great Guy for no reason leaving her and her daughter E.B in ruin. With a daring final blow tearing down her and Sams friendship.

How could someone like that be forgiven? Sam and Guy watched in horror as Michelle and Gluntz walked toward them.

What are they gonna do?



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