The I-Am's Am-I's Road Trip (Part 2)

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Michelle car is missing

and to says she's pissed would be a understatement. She was trying to calm herself and ever so slowly it was working . She didn't even need to think about who could have stole it. Sam-I-am is a bonafide criminal after all it's his thing.

Yes he may have stopped after becoming friends with Guy but...she knew this was him. Sam-I-am clearly wanted some sweet revenge for messing with his buddy.

She knew her mistake and understood why Sam did it but to steal her car was the lowest of the low to her. At the end of the day and after everything her and Sam were once really good friends.


Michelle decided to stop Staring at her empty garage and do something about the car "E.b! the cars gone I think Sam took it again.." this has happened a bunch of times already. That didn't mean it made her any less mad. Michelle walked  into the living room and searched for her.

"She must be trying to catch one of those so called pets again or something". Michelle walked outside and found E.b laying in the grass staring at the sky in deep interest. Michelle walked toward her and spoke out to E.b "Did you hear me calling you?" E.b woke from her daydreams and looked up at her mom and starting smiling. They have just started getting along lately after the breakup a while ago. "Oh hey mom I was just looking at the clouds it's a nice day! what's up?"

Michelle took a seat next to her "did you happen to see Sam steal our car?" Michelle seemed to already know the answer but she wanted to hear from E.b herself. E.b gave a slight look of shock but quickly put it away.

She decided to try to trick her mom even if she knew it was half near impossible "How do you know Sam stole it! It could have been anyone." Michelle gave a look of skepticism and E.b knew there was no way out of it.

"Ok ok yeah he took the car but it's for a good reason!" Michelle smiled slightly at E.b honesty "That reason is?" E.b not wanting to bring up her moms past emotions tried to pick her words carefully. "Sam and Guy are going on a trip together and Sam well...he's still a bit mad at you but he seemed happier lately and he needed a car so they could go..."

Michelle raised a brow at this why would Guy willing go on a trip Guy always seemed like a homebody to her. "..But mom all the rental stores were closed I couldn't let them not go on this trip Sam and Guy need this time completely alone together-"

Michelle stopped E.b right there why would Sam and guy need time alone together they were literally doing that all the time there was definitely something E.b wasn't saying. "E.b they are always alone together why would they need anymore than that! Ok let's drop this and go get my car-"

E.b grabbed her mom right before she stood and said rather randomly

"They started dating."

Guy with Sam on his shoulders walked to the diner in wait for the fox. Sam and guy were hungry again but the moment Sam read the diners name he started drooling. Guy was just tired really tired the trip didn't even really began yet and he was already exhausted.

He was happy however this trip reminded him of when they first met. The adventure, The challenge, The excitement! Even though it was hard at the end of the day they had a great time. Sam was starting to doze off. Guys thoughts always seemed to make him sleepy.

The voice in guys head was always a smooth monotone and the voice was spoken in a whisper. It lulled Sam to a deep slumber and guy didn't want Sam to just fall right off his shoulders so he took a hold of Sam in his arms in the bridal style.

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