Children Part 2: Whapow!

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Giants vs Spears

New Jersey

Sean groaned as he walked into the gym. Coach Kristopher Weidel stood in between two leg presses. Rowan was using one and looked as if he was dying. "Please no, my legs are already dead," Sean whined, trudging over to the evil coach. "They are? Do you need to see Madden or Escobar?" Wiedel worried.

Sean waved him off. "Forest kicked me in the leg by accident. I was trying to teach him how to kick. He can punt though so watch out, Rowan." Rowan rolled his eyes as Sean began his workout. Wiedel adding more weight every minute or so.

"If I pull a muscle I'm going to quit," Rowan muttered. "Great, Forest can take your job, he can practically play every position anyways." Sean looked over to where the wide receivers, tight ends, defensive ends, and cornerbacks were lifting weights. Ryan was jokingly bench pressing Mario. Brandon and Forest were cheering him on. "Fifty! Fifty-one-"

"Please stop," Robert Loehrer barged in. "Someone's going to get hurt; Put him down." Forest rolled his eyes at the comment, saying, "Why do you ruin everything?"

"Negativity. Nope."

Ryan set Mario down with disappointment, going towards the weights. Forest sassily muttered under his breath, walking towards the balance balls. Loehrer rolled his eyes, walking over to Herman. Sean ran up, practicing his kicks. "Lookin' good," He mused. "How are you doing, Sean?" Kristopher came up behind him. "Good, coach. Just practicing."

"Keep practicing like that and you'll win us a game."

Sean nodded, running up and practicing his kick. Forest walked by and ducked just in time to not get kicked. "Thank God," he muttered as Sean paused, giving him time to scramble away to not get hit again.

Booker walked in from doing arm workouts. "I can't feel my arms," he groaned, collapsing onto a mat. Rowan plopped down into another mat. "I can't feel my legs." Tom Brady walked in, nose bleeding. Holding a towel to it, he sat down onto a chair. "I can't feel my face," he huffed.

"When I'm with you." Brandon walked pass with Forest's balance ball. Forest ran after him, stopping when his name was called. "Yes, Coach?"

"You and Sean are wanted for an interview. The rest of you go take ice baths and roll out and get massages or whatever, for team bonding we are having a game night. Everyone needs to be in bed and even better asleep by 11:00 PM."


Sean and Forest sprinted into the media room. Forest slid into a seat. He slid right out of the chair. Sean burst into laughter. "Shut up," Forest muttered, rolling to his feet.

Sean sat in a chair and calmed himself as Forest plopped into the other chair. "Can we just have the first question," Forest grumbled glaring at Sean.

"Forest, how are you feeling for the game tomorrow?" A young woman asked. "I'm really excited. It's my second game in the NFL and it is so exciting to even be here. Plus I want another win." Forest smiled. "And how about you, Sean?"

"Its a dream to be in the NFL, even though I like soccer better, but if I could do a game every day I would. This team is blending really well together, even if there is a ton of chaos every day, from Forest trying to get Booker a girlfriend to the twins arguing over the littlest things. But, we all are like a family, still the dream team. Tom barely tolerates Booker but he helps him out with certain flaws."


Giants vs Spears

Forest caught the ball that was thrown to him. Trotting over to Booker, he handed the backup quarterback the ball who threw it to Mario. Mario handed Tom the ball who threw it back to Forest. The cycle continued as snow fell.

Antoine picked up snow, making a snowball. Rowan yelped as it hit him in the back of his head before turning and kicking a pile of snow towards the safety. The snow hit Forest and Booker. Forest raised an eyebrow. "Do you want to die today Rowan?" He asked, scooping up snow.

Coach Herman turned around at the sound of more yelling than usual. He sighed. "Oh my Evan Porter, I can't leave them alone for five seconds." He ducked as a snowball flew at him. Antoine hit one of his old teammates with a snowball.

A full-on snow war reigned. The two teams coaches even got in on it. The crowd loved it.


Forest winced as Saquon Barkly practically flattened Brandon as he fell out of bounds. He jogged over. "You good?" He asked, helping his teammate up. Brandon nodded, the two of them jogging off the field.

Max patted Brandon on the head as the Giants were held to a third down. Max walked back to the bench as the pair jogged back onto the field.

Forest stopped covering Shepherd as Daniel Jones began rushing. The cornerback ran over, shoving the quarterback out of bounds. He winced as Will Hernandez rammed into him.

"What the heck dude!" Forest pushed Hernandez, ducking under a swing.

Booker whirled around at the sound of other players shouting. "Oh my God," he muttered loudly. Porter glared at him. "Blessed be the Lords name," he said, walking towards the other coaches.

Forest got punched in the arm. As the cornerback went to retaliate Antoine pulled him away from the fight. "We can't have you getting suspended," he muttered as Booker retrieved his friend. "Forest Steve Wishmonger, what was that!?"

"He pushed me first, then tried to punch me, I am not just going to get my butt kicked! Don't look at me like that!"

Brandon and Tyson grinned at each other as Booker continued to yell at his friend. "I call captain!"

"What are you a fourteen year old girl reading a book on Wattpad? Plus, if anyone was captain it would be me."

The main official walked to the middle of the field before speaking. "After the play was over, unsportsmanlike conduct, number 72, offense."

"Finally a good call!"

"Shut up Max!"


"To think that before the game these two teams were having a snowball fight, having fun and joking around together."


The team walked into the locker room. "What happened!" Sean had gotten hit while kicking the extra point and was taken out of the game as he had a nasty cut on his leg from a helmet hitting it. He got taken down to the locker room and missed all the action.

Forest grinned. "So basically, their quarterback, I forgot his name, it's like Dantel James or something, was rushing and I pushed him out if bounds and like, one if the linemen, 71, came and shoved me! I shoved him back and then he tried to punch me which I ducked and then looked towards the ref like flag please and the dude then punched me in the arm like whapow! It was awesome! Then he got ejected!"

Tom rolled his eyes. "Rookie children," he muttered as Forest began acting out the scene with Brandon, Max, Mario, and Ryan.

"Whapow!" Ryan shouted as he lightly punched Forest in the arm. Max blew an extra whistle he had stolen from the coaches offices and tossed a towel.



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