"I'm glad you love it," she held my arm again and watched the fireworks with me.

The sky was indeed the prettiest tonight. Aside from having this girl beside me, it was admittedly the best night of my life. And thanks to Nayeon.

Reality hit me so hard that a tear fell on my cheek knowing that I'm in love with this person clinging on me. I can't deny the fact that she's the person I've been looking for and I can't contain my happiness of how lucky I feel because she's been with me all along.

"Nayeon," I called her name again. This time I was firmed and took all my courage to confess to her my true feelings. Coincidently, the fireworks display was done after a certain period.

"Jeongyeon," she did the same.

I moved myself a little to see her, "I have something to say to you."

"Ani, let me talk first." She cut me off. "Jeongyeon, I want to let you know how much I appreciate and admire you so much. We've been best friends for years now and I couldn't be happier having you in my life. However, recently, I just discovered how my feelings grew more towards you. Yes, I admit, I was jealous and heartbroken when you finally asked Mina to be your girlfriend. It was the reason why I moved out in our room and avoid you for a long time. And I'm sorry about that. I just couldn't bear the thought and picture out that you're with Mina and I had to endure the pain deeply just to have myself healed."

After hearing Nayeon, I never felt so dumb and stupid in my entire life.

"But," she continued, "I'm just glad everything went well than I expected. I didn't know you would end things with Mina despite the consequences you might encounter. I may sound selfish and egotistical but I'm happy you broke up with her to be true to your feelings and chose me."

I didn't notice I smiled unconsciously to myself. "Nayeon, I-"

"Nope, it's still my time to talk." I pouted as she stated and nodded to let her proceed.

"Jeongyeon, maybe you're wondering why we had that breakfast this morning and now I brought you here in one of our favorite places." She paused and I felt like I was obliged to respond that's why I nodded in return.

"Like what I said, I want to start the day with you and I want to end it with you. Now, let me ask you one thing. And I'm sure of myself to ask you this. I'm no longer thinking twice and have doubts about myself anymore. And I'm betting my all just to ask you this,"

My heart was beating so loud and fast that anytime soon I can feel like it'll explode.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Jeongyeon?"

Nayeon's question made me stopped breathing for like 5 seconds and I can't move my mouth as I was surprised and overwhelmed with her question.

I didn't get to answer her first as I tried composing my head and myself on how to respond to her question perfectly. For fuck's sake, Jeongyeon! Answer her already! I was already fighting with myself while Nayeon was patiently waiting while holding my hand tightly.

I let out an exhale and smile widely, "Why wouldn't I? Of course, Nayeon. It'll be an honor to be your girlfriend." I laughed nervously as I can feel my body shaking from the excitement and mixed emotions I am having.

Nayeon's expression changed and threw herself on me with a tight hug. Like I literally fell on my back at the bench and her weight was on top of mine.

"Yes!" She faked a sobbing sound, "I thought you were gonna reject. You literally stopped breathing and your face looked so confused." She uttered while hugging me and her head was on my chest.

"I was surprised." I chuckled, "I just can't believe you did all of this and asked me tonight." I straighten up my body and we both sat side to side. I faced her and cupped her squishy cheeks as she pouted. "Im Nayeon, I cannot explain how happy and grateful I am to have you. I thought we both would end up like Tom and Summer but my assumptions were wrong and I'm glad you made up your mind. Thank you for everything. I'll do my best to be a great girlfriend and I'll still be your best friend. I know I am not perfect and I may have my lapses, but I know you'll always be there to guide and help me grow. And I'll do the same for you." I smiled watching her getting teary with my speech.

"Saranghae," I whispered as I contact my eyes on hers. "I love you, Nayeon."

I moved her face towards mine and locked ourselves for a perfect and indulging kiss. The fireworks we both witnessed earlier was nothing compared to this kiss I have with her. My insides were raging in pure delight and my heart can't stop its normal pace while having Nayeon on my lips. My stomach was filled with butterflies that I never thought I'd be having. This is the perfect kiss that I wanted to experience and I'm thrilled to have it with her.

"I love you too, Jeongyeon. Always." 


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