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Nayeon's POV

"That hurts, you know! Take it slow, will you?!" I yelled at Jeongyeon as she was giving me a massage.

"I told you to relax, didn't I?" Jeongyeon was laughing out loud as I kept on screaming. Her hands were not as gentle as I imagined.

"Aish, stop it. I feel like my body's bruised because of your strong hands." I complained while giving myself a self-massage on my shoulder.

"By the way," Jeongyeon spoke up. "I'm sorry about lying about appa." Her tone was in deep guilt.

"I know I should've just told you the truth." She continued.

"What exactly happened, Jeong?" I asked. "Since when do you lie to me?"

"That night I told you about going home because it was appa's birthday and I was texting unnie. Well, I wasn't texting unnie that night. It was Mina who I was texting with. I'm sorry." She apologized. She facing downward avoiding my gaze to her.

"When you asked who I was texting, I panicked that you might get jealous if I tell you the truth. Or assume that you will. That's why I made an alibi and damn, that was a lame excuse." I laughed inwardly agreeing of her lame excuse.

"Since I already lied, I decided to go along with it. But I went to the coffee shop first near the library. To you know, chill and spend some alone time. But unfortunately, Mina wanted to join. I want to refuse her joining me but I think it'll be rude if I did. So yeah..." Jeongyeon explained exactly what Mina told me. This time, I know she wasn't lying.

"What about the call I had with you? That thing you told me to call me back because unnie was calling you?" I tried questioning her to test her honesty.

"Oh, that. Yeah, she did call me. I was on the phone with you and when she shouted my name, I panicked too. She asked me to get her ice. She had an accident, she fell from the stairs. It was funny though." Then I saw Jeongyeon stopping herself from laughing. Probably thinking about her sister's accident.

"Oh..." That was the only thing I could say.

"But it's okay, Nayeon. I'm sorry about lying. I just thought you don't want me to get close with Mina for whatever reason you." Jeongyeon smiled weakly.

"No. I'm good with Mina though. We just had a talk at the park today. I ran in the park this morning then I saw her walking by herself. Then she probably saw the picture Chaeyoung showed me yesterday." I paused as I saw Jeongyeon's face curious.

"What pictures?" She asked.

"You and Mina together walking and staying at the coffee shop. Chaeyoung's brother caught you and sent those pictures to Chaeyoung." Jeongyeon's expression changed into a dull one.

Well, I would too if I were her. I mean who even likes to be get photographed without permission? Plus, taking pictures with no permission could be a crime here.

"And I broke down after Chaeyoung showed me." I softly chuckled.

"Oh? Jinjja?" She asked. "Mianhae, Nayeon." She uttered.

I smiled weakly at Jeongyeon while she faced upward and stared at the ceiling. I guess she was sorry after all.

I rested my head on her shoulder trying to comfort her and assured her that everything's fine now.

"I forgive you, Jeongie," I mumbled in a child-like manner. "And I'm sorry about last night. I didn't mean to play you. I was upset and mad about what happened. I didn't get to control my emotions anymore and let it out on you." I apologized sincerely as I felt guiltier than ever in my entire life.

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