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Nayeon's POV

When Seungyeon unnie left us both in her room, I don't know what exactly happened next. The only thing I knew was that I threw myself to Jeongyeon for a hug and cried like hell as I bury my face on her chest. I wanted to let go of the hug but it was too comforting that I feel at home and at peace in her arms.

However, I'm not letting my guard down. I'm still mad at her for being an asshole and for being herself that made me liked her. I pushed myself away from her slowly.

"Please, don't," Jeongyeon whispered while holding me tighter to restrain me from moving. "Let's stay like for a bit. I missed you," she whispered with sincerity in her voice.

This is what I hate being alone with her, I can't fucking resist her! I sighed deeply disappointed in myself. I can't help but buried my face on her chest more to feel her embrace.

Then reality hit me again. I can't fool myself anymore just because I'm alone with Jeongyeon in a room and we're both silently hugging each other. I let go of arms from hugging her and pushed myself slowly.

"Stop," that was the only thing I said and she did let go.

I breathed in and exhaled while looking at her. She seemed hurt or worried, I don't know what exactly she was showing me.

"Nayeon, I'm sorry. If I did something wrong aside from last night, I'm sorry. Just please, forgive me." she held my hand as she begged for what she did.

"I forgive you for what you did last night," I told her. "However," I stopped and observed her expression. "I don't think I can tell you yet the other thing you did for making me act like this." I know it was just another selfish move I did.

"Okay, okay. I understand," Jeongyeon took a step back to give me space, and smiled weakly, "But can we still be friends like we used to? I mean, I've missed you, Nayeon. You know you've been a part of me for years already." she sounded vulnerable.

I can't help but feel guilty about what she said. It's true, we always had each other's sides since we were still young. I already treated her my sister. But fuck! I feel like I'm having incest feeling towards her.

"Fine." I blurted without a doubt.

"Jinjja?" she asked getting delighted with I said.

I just nodded having no choice since I can't even get out of here without fixing my problem with her. I know Seungyeon unnie doesn't let us off the hook that easily.

"So, will you come back in our room?" she meant at the dormitory and I noticed how she hesitated to ask.

"Nope. Just give me time and space for now. No one knows, maybe everything will get back to normal eventually. But for now, just let me be." I repeated what I said before.

"Okay, whatever pleases you, Nayeon. As long as you're talking to me again. That's enough for me." Jeongyeon still smiled weakly.

Now, I really feel bad about being selfish. I don't deserve her.

"Friends again?" she reached out for her hand.

I held her hand, "Friends." I answered.

We both then knocked on the door like the old times when both of us had a fight and unnie would lock us in. I sighed reminiscing the old days when I haven't developed my feelings for this woman beside me.

"Unnie! For Pete's sake! Open the damn door already!" Jeongyeon screamed at the top of her lungs while banging the door.

The door clicked as someone opened it. "You two okay now?" Seungyeon unnie asked while crossing her arms.

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