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Shay did not sleep well that night. Of all nights to get a restless sleep, it had to be the night she needed a good rest the most. The next day was inevitable. She would be standing on that pedestal in an unknown arena, preparing to run for her life.

The events from the interviews did nothing to improve her situation. For a moment, Shay allowed herself to believe that things may actually work in her favor. She had a good training score, her name was known through the Capitol both because of her score and because of the recognition of her brother, which she thought might get her sponsors. But with Peeta's whole 'star-crossed lovers' announcement, her chances were flushed down the fancy Capitol toilet along with her dinner that night.

Shay never really got sick, just like how she never really got nervous. However, she seemed to be throwing everything she knew about herself out the window. Her stomach churned with nerves that sent her to the bathroom on numerous occasions that night when she could not sleep.

She already felt defeated in a way.

The next morning, she briefly sat at the table with her team. There was a solemn atmosphere due to the day's events and no one really ate. Shay forced herself to nibble on a strip of bacon and a slice of buttered toast, while Leif pushed the eggs and potatoes around his plate looking deep in thought.

Even Taurus, Clem, and Verona could not bring themselves to indulge in the decadent breakfast feast that was served. More like a Last Supper, Shay thought bitterly.

Before she knew it, the blonde girl was whisked away by Rezin to change into her uniform for the Games. It was lightweight, which Shay hoped meant the arena was warm. Although the outside of her jacket was slick to wick away moisture and water, a temperate climate maybe?

The District 10 girl occupied herself by thinking of what even the smallest detail of her attire could mean for her. Once she was dressed head to toe in black, her hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail. Rezin sprayed it until it was soaked with hairspray, making sure to keep any stray wisps out of her eyes.

"Follow me," Rezin said as he finished perfecting her arena look. Shay stayed silent and did just that. She was led down a dark hall and out into an aircraft hangar. A hovercraft waited just beyond the hanger doors with other tributes being led inside. Rezin stopped at the door and motioned for the blonde to follow one of the staff.

A woman led her forward and gestured for her to sit in one of the seats. Shay looked around and caught Katniss' eye down the row from her. Shay was stressed at the news during the interview, but that did not negate the fact she knew Katniss would be a better ally than an enemy. So, she gave the stoic girl a reassuring nod, which was returned, before continuing to examine the other tributes. Leif was just sitting down, having come in just behind her. Rue was anxiously fiddling with her hands. And Cato... Cato was looking unsurprisingly calm.

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